Up: Prophet Commands
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The GRID command defines a simple 1D,2D or 3D tensor product grid. The GRID
(or LOAD) command must appear before any commands such as field, graph or
The algorithm for creating non-uniform tensor product grid operates
segment-by-segment, where the segments are defined by the values
specified in the XLOC (or YLOC, ZLOC) keyword. Each XLOC value has
an associated XDEL value, which is the grid spacing request that
Prophet will try to accomodate. When a segment has the same XDEL
values at both endpoints, the grid will be uniformly spaced at that
value. When the XDEL values are different, Prophet will grade the
grid spacing as smoothly as possible, minimizing the ratio of
adjacent grid spacing. However, within a segment the ratio will
never be greater than ``/library/math/grid/interval.ratio'' (set to
1.5 in the Prophet database currently). If the change in requested
grid spacing within a segment is too extreme to meet this ratio,
the smaller grid XDEL will be satisfied, and the larger ignored. To ensure that the requested
spacing is possible, the user can check his/her input to see if the
following is satisfied:
If the above inequality is not satisfied, it is possible that the
grid spacings in adjoining segments will have a larger ratio than
that specified by ``/library/math/grid/interval.ratio''. However,
the maximum ratio is always met within each individual segment.
- [XLOC=(r)]
- [XDEL=(r)]
- [YLOC=(r)]
- [YDEL=(r)]
- [ZLOC=(r)]
- [ZDEL=(r)]
- [MAP.MOSFET=(s)]
- [XMOLE=(r)]
- [YMOLE=(r)]
The following list itemizes the valid keywords, their units, and their meaning:
MATERIAL: [string]
type of material the substrate is made of. Possible values are
found in the library in library/physics.
ELEMENT: [string]
impurity element initially in the substrate. If ELEMENT is not set,
the substrate is assumed to be intrinsic. Either RESISTIVITY or
CONCENTRATION must also be set.
RESISTIVITY: [real (ohms)]
substrate resistivity. Specify either RESISTIVITY or CONCENTRATION.
uniform concentration of ELEMENT in the substrate. Specify either
DIMENSION: [integer]
spatial dimension of the original grid of the simulation
domain. Value may be 1, 2, or 3.
XLOC: [real (microns)]
array of grid locations in the vertical direction, separated by
commas. The first and last values specify the beginning and end of the
initial simulation domain. Intermediate values are used to specify a
varying grid spacing.
XDELTA: [real (microns)]
grid spacing in the vertical direction. An array of the same length
as XLOC can be given to specify the grid spacing at each XLOC. The grid
is varied gradually between each XLOC.
YLOC: [real (microns)]
array of grid locations in the lateral Y direction, separated by
commas. The first and last values specify the beginning and end of the
initial simulation domain. Intermediate values are used to specify a
varying grid spacing.
YDELTA: [real (microns)]
grid spacing in the Y direction. An array of the same length as
YLOC can be given to specify the grid spacing at each YLOC. The grid is
varied gradually between each YLOC.
ZLOC: [real (microns)]
array of grid locations in the Z direction, separated by commas. The
first and last values specify the beginning and end of the initial
simulation domain. Intermediate values are used to specify a varying
grid spacing.
ZDELTA: [real (microns)]
grid spacing in the Z direction. An array of the same length as
ZLOC can be given to specify the grid spacing at each ZLOC. The grid is
varied gradually between each ZLOC.
MAP.MOSFET [string]
the fields from a MOSFET's pas file onto a new grid,
flattening the silicon/gate-oxide interface in the process. THe
basic purpose is to create a rectlinear grid, but using the
fields from a MOS device with surface curvature created by
process simulation This command assumes the silicon/gate-oxide
interface is located at x=0. Fields in the silicon substrate
are shifted vertically, if necessary. The new grid must be
previously defined, and must not lie outside the domain of the
mapped fields. The new grid must have its top at x=0. Typical
grid dim=2 xloc=0,0.01,0.2 xdel=0.001,0.01,0.05
+ yloc=-0.2,0,0.2 ydel=0.01,0.01,0.01 mat=silicon
grid map.mosfet=myfile.pas
XMOLE [real]
``xmole'' (stochiometry) for region described by the grid
statement. Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
YMOLE [real]
``ymole'' (stochiometry) for region described by the grid
statement. Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
1-D MOS Capacitor:
grid dim=1 mat=silicon
+ xloc=0.00000,0.0010,0.010,0.10,0.20,0.50
+ xdel=0.00005,0.0002,0.001,0.01,0.05,0.05
+ elem=boron conc=1.0e+18
deposit mat=oxide thickness=0.0,0.002 xdel=0.00005,0.0005
Note that in the deposit command above, the first ``xdel'' value
refers to the bottom of the deposited layer. However in the grid
command, the first ``xdel'' refers to the top of the initial
structure. In order to have good accuracy, it is necessary to have
vertical grid spacing on the order of an Angstrom adjacent to the
silicon oxide interface.
2-D MOS:
grid dim=2 mat=silicon
+ xloc=0.00000,0.0010,0.010,0.10,0.20,0.50
+ xdel=0.00005,0.0002,0.001,0.01,0.05,0.05
+ yloc=-0.15,-0.07,-0.05,-0.04,0.040,0.050,0.07,0.15
+ ydel=0.02,0.005,0.002,0.005,0.005,0.002,0.005,0.02
+ elem=boron conc=1.0e+18
deposit mat=oxide thickness=0.0,0.002 xdel=0.00005,0.0005
For a MOS device, it is important to have sufficient lateral grid
density at the source and drain junctions.
MASK.GRID [logical], EDGE.DELTA [real (microns)], SPACE.DELTA [real (microns)]
refinement around mask edges in a process flow can be automated
using the MASK.GRID option. The logical MASK.GRID specifies that fine
grid should be automatically allocated at the mask edges encountered in
the input file, with coarser grid in between. The finest spacing at the
edges is given by EDGE.DELTA. The coarsest spacing is given by
SPACE.DELTA. The fine spacing is guaranteed to be honored, but
depending on location of mask edges, the coarse spacing may be finer
than requested. The spacing is automatically graded from coarse to fine
areas. A SPACE.DELTA of 0.0 requests that the grid be made as coarse as
possible between mask edges, consistent with not increasing the spacing
more than a factor of 1.5 in any interval. The value of 1.5 comes from
ORIENTATION: [integer]
crystalline orientation of the substrate. Valid values are 100, 110
and 111.
a triangular grid from a rectangular grid, or from a
grid composed of rectangles and triangles.
QUALITY [logical]
and print a number of quality indicators for a 2-D
triangular grid.
ADAPT [logical]
adaptation for 2-D triangular grid.
REFINE [logical]
refinement for 2-D triangular grid based on the field
specified with FIELD keyword.
FIELD [string]
keyword specifies which field to use for refinement
criteria when using the REDINE keyword.
RATIO [real]
parameter for REFINE keyword.
CLEANUP [logical]
SHEAR [real]
x-coordinate of each point by an amount defined by SHEAR
times that point's y-coordinate.
XSHIFT [real]
x-location of coordinates by specified amount.
YSHIFT [real]
y-location of coordinates by specified amount.
CURVE.MOS [logical]
a structure with a curved top surface by moving
coordinate points, thus shifting the fields. Note that this
will create a non-rectlinear grid.
Up: Prophet Commands
Previous: GRAPH
Prophet Development
Mon Jul 1 14:45:00 PDT 2002