Up: Prophet Commands
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This card allows fields to be defined over the existing grid.
The following list itemizes the valid keywords and their meaning.
SET: [string]
defines the name of the quantity to be assigned.
VALUE: [string]
value is an expression to be evaluated across the grid. It can
include constants, other solution quantities, and the coordinates X, Y
and Z (uppercase).
XRANGE [string]
limits the application of the field statement to range
specified. For example, ``[0.3:0.5]'' specifies a
closed range from x=0.3 to x=0.5, which includes the endpoints
of the range. ``(0.3:0.5)'' specifies an open range
from x=0.3 to x=0.5, which excludes the endpoints. Open and
closed endpoints can be mixed. A fuzzy comparison is used to
make the function more robust.
as XRANGE, but for y-direction.
as XRANGE, but for y-direction.
STATS [string]
out some statistics for the specified field, such as
min, max, average and standard deviation. Typical usage:
field stats=electrons
MATERIAL [string]
MATERIAL keyword limits the application of the FIELD
command to the specified material.
SOLVAR [string]
user can request that fluxes be calculated by setting
``set=flux''. The SOLVAR keyword specifies which flux
is to be calculated. Typical usage (e.g., for electron currents) is:
field set=flux solvar=electrons type=edge
This command, issued before the solutions is calculated with
a ``BIAS'' command, causes the currents to be stored in the field
``fluxelectrons.'' Note that this is an edge field, not a nodal field.
PROFILE3D [string]
3-D field from file name specified. See PROFILE2D for
format information.
PROFILE2D [string]
2-D field from file name specified.
The 2D and 3D file formats support
either uniform spacing or rectilinear spacing. The format is
<nx> <ny> [<nz>]
'u' | 'r' ;;; uniform or rectilinear spacing
<tensor mesh coordinates>
<ix> <iy> [<iz>] <value at (ix,iy[,iz])>
, and
are the number of grid lines in each
dimension (minimum is 2)
indicies run from 0 to n-1, inclusive
The indices and value need not be given in any specific order, but
the set should be complete.
For a uniform mesh, the <tensor mesh coordinates> consists of a
pair of two real numbers representing the bounds for that dimension
). Mesh spacing is (U - L) / (
For a rectilinear mesh, the <tensor mesh coordinates> consists of
the two or three lists of real numbers of length
(you can
have one number per line). These numbers are the locations of mesh
lines, and they are assumed to be sorted in increasing order.
The locations of the mesh lines in these files need not correlate to
your prophet mesh. Linear interpolation is used to map file values
onto the prophet mesh.
For 1d, the values at the endpoints extend to infinity. If you want
to truncate assignment outside of the extent, just specify 0 for the
value at the start and end of the range.
For 2d and 3d, assignment is truncated outside of the extent
specified in the file.
DELETE [string]
the specified field and free its memory.
FILENAME [string]
in 1-D data from file. The format is two reals per line,
the first being the x-coordinate, the second being the value.
LIST [logical]
the names and types of all the fields found in the domain.
field set=boron value=1e18*exp(-(X-0.1)*(X-0.1)/(2*0.01*0.01))
field set=phosphorus value=1e19*gbox(X,0,0.1,0.01)*gbox(Y,0.5,0.8,0.01)
The function gbox has a constant value in the interval between its second
and third arguments, with gaussian fall-off behavior outside that interval
with a characteristic length equal to the fourth argument. The first
argument is the axis to substitute. This example specifies a flat profile of
1e19 inside the interval (X,Y) = (0-0.1 , 0.5-0.8) with Gaussian decay of
characteristic length 0.01 outside.
TYPE [string]
to specify one of two special field types, either ``edge''
or ``scalar''. An edge field is defined for each of the edges
in the structure, e.g., for currents. A scalar field has one
value defined for the entire geometry.
CLASS [string]
the class type of this field (default = ``permanent'').
AXIS [string]
reading in 1-D data using the FILENAME command, the AXIS
keyword determines whether the data is stored in the x, y, or z
direction. The axis is specified by either
``axis=X'', ``axis=Y'', or ``axis=Z''.
Default is X.
NEGATE [logical]
reading in 1-D data from a file using FILENAME, multiply
the data values by -1. (Not implemented for 2-D or 3-D data).
DISTANCE [string]
each node in the field, find the minimum distance to the
interface of the material specified. Typical usage:
field set=fromOxide distance=oxide
finds minimum distance to the oxide interface for each node.
Up: Prophet Commands
Previous: DUMP
Prophet Development
Mon Jul 1 14:45:00 PDT 2002