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In this step a material layer is deposited onto an existing structure. The
amount of material deposited is equal to the value specified by the
THICKNESS key. The deposition can be an overall deposition or a selective
one restricted to the rectangular window specified by the START and END
keywords. Selective deposition can also be specified by naming the material onto
which the layer will be deposited with the HETERO key. The layer can be
doped with the specified ELEMENT either uniformly by specifying the
CONCENTRATION, or with a exponentially (or linearly) varying profile by also
specifying SURFACE (and LINEAR).
- [XDEL=(s)]
- [START=(r[,r])]
- [END=(r[,r])]
- [HETERO=(s)]
- [ELEMENT=(s)]
- [SURFACE=(s)]
- [LINEAR=(i)]
- [TYPE=(s)]
- [MASK=(s)]
- [XMOLE=(s)]
- [YMOLE=(s)]
- [ZIPPER=(l)]
The following list itemizes the valid keywords, their units, and their meaning.
MATERIAL: [string]
material to be deposited. Possible materials are found in the
database in library/physics. Commonly used materials are "nitride",
"oxide", "poly", "resist", and "shipley". Note that "resist" is opaque
to all implants, whereas ion implant penetration through "shipley"
photoresist is a function of ion species, ion energy and Shipley
material thickness.
THICKNESS: [real or real array (microns)]
thickness of the layer to be deposited. Several thickness
values can be specified in real array format (e.g.,
``0.0,0.1'') in order to have greater control over the vertical
grid spacing. In this sense, the THICKNESS keyword plays a
similar role as the XLOC keyword for the GRID command (see the
section on the GRID command for more detailed information).
XDEL: [real or real array (microns)]
grid spacing in the layer to be deposited. It is
possible to specify the thickness and the spacing as arrays; the
thickness should start at zero and increase to the total thickness
while the spacing should have the same number of values and indicate
the spacing at each thickness value. A spacing of zero indicates a
``don't care'' condition. This XDEL plays a similar role as the
XDEL of the GRID command, but with an important difference in
convention. For the GRID command, the first XDEL grid spacing
value refers to the top of the initial structure; however, for
the DEPOSIT command, the first XDEL refers to the bottom of the
deposited layer.
If XDEL is not specified, the deposited layer will have a
spacing given by the database parameter
library/physics/M/default.tdel, where M is the material
deposited. If that parameter does not exist, the layer will
have one grid spacing. For insulators, it does not exist; for
semiconductors, the parameter is currently 0.02 microns.
START: [real or real array (microns)]
coordinates of one corner of the rectangular window in which to
deposit. If only one coordinate is given, a stripe parallel to the
z-axis will be deposited. If START is not set, the beginning of the
simulation domained is assumed.
END: [real or real array (microns)]
coordinates of the opposite corner of the rectangular window in
which to deposit. If only one coordinate is given, a stripe parallel to
the z-axis will be deposited. If END is not set, the end of the
simulation domained is assumed.
HETERO: [string]
name of the material to selectively deposit on.
ELEMENT: [string]
impurity element in the layer. If ELEMENT is not set, the layer is
assumed to be intrinsic. CONCENTRATION must also be set if
ELEMENT is specified.
concentration of ELEMENT in the layer. ELEMENT must also be
specified. If SURFACE is specified, CONCENTRATION refers to the
concentration in the bulk.
SURFACE: [real (
a nonuniform doping profile, this is the concentration at the
surface of the layer. ELEMENT and CONCENTRATION (referring to the
concentration at the bulk side) must also be specified. The profile
will vary exponentially between SURFACE and CONCENTRATION unless LINEAR
is set.
LINEAR: [logical]
set to 1, the doping profile will vary linearly between SURFACE and
CONCENTRATION. If set to 0 or not set, the doping profile will vary
exponentially. ELEMENT, CONCENTRATION and SURFACE must also be
MASK: [string]
parameter is a file in which to find mask data. The deposit will
occur only inside the rectangles described in the mask datafile, unless
the INVERT parameter is specified.
At present the maskfile format is one line per rectangle, each line
formatted as
(y-start) (y-end) (z-start) (z-end) box
TYPE: [string]
model to be used for deposition. Currently there are two models:
default and smooth. The default model deposits exactly THICK microns of
material above each point on the exposed surface. The smooth model uses
an isotropic deposition model to calculate the thickness above each
point. In the case of a planar surface, the two models give the same
result. When there are steps on the surface, the smooth model causes
thicker oxide to be deposit in the shadows of the steps. This provides
a simple way to define sidewall spacers.
ZIPPER [logical]
depositing materials which are laterally adjacent, the
last of the deposit commands must contain this zipper
option. The zipper algorithm searches for nodes in adjacent
materials which have the same location, and adds this
information to the geometry description. Note that the
deposition of two laterally adjacent materials must be done with
identical vertical grid spacing. (See poly spacer example
XMOLE [real]
``xmole'' (stochiometry) for deposited layer. Value
must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
YMOLE [real]
``ymole'' (stochiometry) for deposited layer. Value
must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
Blanket deposition
deposit material=nitride thick=0.05 xdel=0.005
Local deposition in 2D
deposit material=poly start=0 end=1.0 thick=0.5 xdel=0.05
Local deposition in 3D
deposit material=poly start=0,0 end=1.0,0.5 thick=0,0.5 xdel=0.01,0.1
+ elem=arsenic concen=1e16
Poly gate with oxide spacer:
# Gate Oxide:
deposit mat=oxide thick=0.002 xdel=0.002
# Poly Gate:
deposit mat=poly start=-0.03 end=0.03 thick=0.0,0.1 xdel=0.002,0.05
# Left Oxide Spacer:
deposit mat=oxide start=-0.05 end=-0.03 thick=0.0,0.1 xdel=0.002,0.05
# Right Oxide Spacer:
deposit mat=oxide start=0.03 end=0.05 thick=0.0,0.1 xdel=0.002,0.05 zipper
off warning message that suitable deposition surface could
not be found.
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Prophet Development
Mon Jul 1 14:45:00 PDT 2002