2003 \ 2002 \ 2001 \ 2000 \ 1999 \ 1998
To develop a complete simulation capability for heterostructure device in the TCAD platform PROPHET, including dc, ac, and transient analyses. The test vehicle application focus will be the analysis and design of InGaAs/InAlAs HBTs currently under development at HP Labs. Advanced physics such as quantum mechanical effects and transport through superlattice will also be examined using the software being developed under the sponsorship of this project.
Pre-Reading for 1999 SRC Review (April 1999)
SOI: Electrothermal Simulation Test Cases (August 1999)
Project Report: Simulation and Calibration of HBT (June 1998)
PISCES II: Poisson and Continuity Equation Solver (September 1984)
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