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This function returns 0 or 1, depending if the coordinate lies within the box provided. It can be used to selectively apply a function to a rectangular region. It should not be used in a model.

Parameters: ll ur

ll is the lower left coordinate of the box

ur is the upper right coordinate of the box

The coordinates are given as a list of numbers, indicating the x, y (optional), and z (optional) coordinates of the lower left or upper right. The coordinates are assumed to be given in microns. Points that lie on the box are considered to be within the box, but the user should be aware that because of rounding errors, this command may not always produce the expected results for points that lie exactly on the box.


field PotentialInSilicon -setValue [function box -parameters \
    [list "1.0 0.0 0.0" "5.0 10.0 10.0"]]

Dan Yergeau
Wed Jun 18 19:17:04 PDT 1997