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This function interpolates a 1D profile contained in the specified file onto the mesh. It should not be used as part of a model.

Parameters: d f i

d is an arbitrary function returning values in Alamode mesh units.

f is the name of the file containing the profile. The file contains a two column list of distances and values. The distances in the file are assumed to be in microns, and they are mapped into Alamode mesh units. A minimum of two distance/value pairs must be present in the file. Comment lines are indicated by a # in the first column.

i is the interpolation used. Is is either log or linear.

The following TCL proc is provided as part of Alamode .

proc profile {fld dir file type} {
    set coord $dir
    append coord Coord
    set dist [function $coord -parameters {}]
    set func [function profile -parameters [list $dist $file $type]]
    field $fld -setValue $func

Thus, the following command reads in a Boron profile from boron.profile along the x coordinate axis.

profile BoronInSilicon x boron.profile linear

Dan Yergeau
Wed Jun 18 19:17:04 PDT 1997