This parameter accepts a vector expression of several different vector variables for the z parameter. The operators *, /, +, -, ^ all work in the expected way. The vector variables are listed below:
- antimony - antimony concentration
- arsenic - arsenic concentration
- beryllium - beryllium concentration
- boron - boron concentration
- carbon - carbon concentration
- cesium - cesium concentration
- - equilibrium interstitial concentration
- - equilibrium vacancies concentration
- doping - net active concentration
- electrons - electron concentration
- germanium - germanium
- generic - generic impurity concentration
- gold - gold concentration
- interstitial - interstitial concentration
- isilicon - silicon impurity concentration
- magnesium - magnesium concentration
- ni - intrinsic electron concentration
- oxygen - oxygen concentration
- phosphorus - phosphorus concentration
- psi - potential
- selenium - selenium concentration
- Sxx, Sxy, Syy - components of stress in rectangular coordinates
- tin - tin concentration
- trap - unfilled interstitial trap concentration
- vacancy - vacancy concentration
- x - x coordinates
- x.v - x velocity
- y - y coordinates
- y.v - y velocity
- zinc - zinc concentration
Many of these are self explanatory. Potential is computed using charge neutrality. The electron concentration is computed from the potential using Boltzmann statistics.
There also several function that are available for the user. These are:
- abs - absolute value
- active - active portion of the specified dopant
- erf - error function
- erfc - complimentary error function
- exp - exponential
- gradx - differentiates the argument with respect to x
- grady - differentiates the argument with respect to y
- log - logarithm
- log10 - logarithm base 10
- scale - scales the value given by the maximum value
- sqrt - square root