Plot a two dimensional xy picture.
- plot.2d
- [ x.max=n ] [ x.min=n ] [ y.min=n ] [ y.max=n ]
[ clear ] [ fill ] [ boundary ] [ grid ] [ axis ] [ vornoi ] [ diamonds ]
[ stress ] [ vmax=n ] [ vleng=n ] [ flow ]
The plot.2d statement allows the user to prepare a two dimensional xy plot. This routine does not plot any solution values, however, it can prepare the screen for isoconcentration lines to be plotted. The statement can draw the xy space of the device, label it, draw material boundaries, and draw stress and flow vectors. If in one dimensional mode, it will return and print an error message.
- x.min, x.max
- These parameters allow the user to specify a subset of the x axis to be plotted. The parameters will default to the current device limits. The units are in microns.
- y.min, y.max
- These parameters allow the user to specify a subset of the y axis to be plotted. The parameters will default to the current device limits. The units are in microns.
- clear
- The clear parameter specifies whether the graphics screen should be cleared before the graph is drawn. If true, the screen is cleared. It defaults to true.
- fill
- The fill parameter specifies that the device should be drawn with the proper aspect ratio. If fill is false, the device will be drawn with the proper aspect ratio. When true, the device will be expanded to fill the screen. It defaults to false.
- This parameter specifies that the device outline and material interfaces should be drawn. They will be drawn with the color specified by the line.bound parameter. It defaults to off.
- The grid parameter specifies that the numerical grid the problem was solved on should be drawn. The color will be with the color will be with the line.grid parameter. It defaults to off.
- The axis parameter controls the drawing and labeling of axes around the plot. If axis is true, the graph will be drawn with labeled axes. This parameter defaults true.
- The line.grid parameter controls the line type or color that the axes and grid will be drawn in. The parameter defaults to 1.
- This parameter specifies the line color to be used for the material boundaries. If boundary is not specified, this parameter is unimportant.
- This parameter specifies that the vornoi tessellation to be drawn.
- This option will cause the plot to draw small diamonds out at each point location. Actually crosses are now plotted but the parameter name has not yet been changed, just to confuse the opposition.
- This parameter plots the principal stresses throughout the structure. Vectors are drawn along the two principal axes of the stress tensor at each point.
- The length of the vectors is scaled so that the maximum stress has length vleng, specified in microns.
-, line.ten
- The sign of the stress is indicated by the color of the vectors drawn. is the color for compressive stress, line.ten is the color for tensile stress.
- If vmax is specified (in dynes/cm2), that stress will have length vleng, and higher stresses will be omitted.
- Plots little arrows representing the velocity at each point. The vleng and vmax parameters help out here too.
- plot.2d grid
- This command will draw the triangular grid and axes.
- plot.2d bound x.min=2 x.max=5 clear=false
- This command will draw the material interfaces and x axis between 2.0 and 5.0 mm and will not clear the screen first.
- plot.2d bound line.bound=2 diamonds y.max=5 axis=false
- This command will draw the material interfaces with a maximum value of y equal to 5.0 mm. The boundaries will be drawn with line type 2, no axes, and will draw the grid points.
The contour,
and select statements.