Complete SUPREM-IV.GS input for BiCMOS Field Oxidation
#Title CIS BiCMOS Bipolar part in 2D
#set some stuff
set echo
option chat
#x dimension
line x loc=0.0 spacing=0.2 tag=left
line x loc=1.0 spacing=0.05
line x loc=2.0 spacing=0.2 tag=right
#y dimension
line y loc=0.0 tag=top
line y loc=1.0 tag=bottom
region silicon xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=bottom
#exposed surface
bound exposed xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=top
#Comment Start with <100> Silicon, p doped to 20 ohm resistivity.
initialize boron conc=9.0e14 ori=100
oxide orient=100 wet lin.h.0=2.428e6 lin.l.0=2.793e4
#suprem iv default coefficients
boron silicon Dix.0=0.37 Dip.0=0.72 Dix.E=3.46 Dip.E=3.46
arsenic silicon Dix.0=8.0 Dim.0=12.8 Dix.E=4.05 Dim.E=4.05
#Comment Pad Oxidation.
method compress init=1.0e-3
#suprem4 barfs after the 1st anneal so take this one out
#diffuse time=3 temp=950 argon
diffuse time=42 temp=950 dryo2
deposit nitride thick=0.08 div=1
deposit photoresist thick=1
#Field implant mask at edge of collector
etch photoresist left p1.x=1.0
etch nitride left p1.x=1.0
implant boron energy=100 dose=1e13
etch photoresist all
struct out=prefieldox.s
#Comment Field Ox
#----------Field oxidation 1000
# High Stress \g{m}\-{NITRIDE} = 1.59 x 10\+{10} exp(1.12/kT)
oxide Vc=425 Vr=12.5 Vd=65 stress.dep=t
material oxide visc.0 = 2.25e14 visc.E = 0.000 visc.x = 0.499 wet
mater nitride visc.0=4.3e14 visc.E=0.0
meth viscous oxide.rel=1e-2
diffuse time=18 temp=1000 argon
diffuse time=10 temp=1000 dryo2
struct out=init.str
#diffuse time=190 temp=1000 weto2
#break up this step into several substeps
diffuse time=2 temp=1000 weto2
struct out=2.str
diffuse time=7 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=9.str
diffuse time=15 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=24.str
diffuse time=20 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=44.str
diffuse time=26 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=70.str
diffuse time=30 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=100.str
diffuse time=40 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=140.str
diffuse time=50 temp=1000 weto2 cont
struct out=190.str
diffuse time=10 temp=1000 dryo2
structure outfile=fieldox.s