Prophet is quite flexible, and for specialized applications the input files may be quite varied. However, for typical mainstream device simulation applications, the input file usually consists of the following main sections:
Example Prophet input file: MOSFET with polygate (continued on next page):
# # Include statements define systems of equations to solve # include(silicon_poisson) include(silicon_dd_lombardi) # # Define substrate grid, deposited layers # grid dim=2 + xloc=0.00000,0.0010,0.010,0.10,0.4; + xdel=0.00005,0.0005,0.001,0.01,0.05; + yloc=-0.1,-0.065,-0.06,-0.030,-0.020,0.0,0.020,0.030,0.06,0.065,0.1 + ydel=0.01,0.005,0.0025,0.0025,0.005,0.005,0.005,0.0025,0.0025,0.005,0.01 deposit mat=oxide thick=0.002 xdel=0.0005 deposit mat=poly start=-0.045 end=0.045 thick=0.0,0.001,0.01,0.1 + xdel=.0001,.0005,0.001,0.02 deposit mat=oxide start=-0.060 end=-0.045 thick=0.0,0.001,0.01,0.1 + xdel=.0001,.0005,0.001,0.02 deposit mat=oxide start=0.045 end=0.060 thick=0.0,0.001,0.01,0.1 + xdel=.0001,.0005,0.001,0.02 zipper # # Define doping profile # field set=nstip val=1e20*gbox(X,0,0.01,0.003)*gbox(Y,-0.1,-0.042,0.003) mat=silicon field set=ndtip val=1e20*gbox(X,0.0,0.01,0.003)*gbox(Y,0.042,0.1,0.003) mat=silicon field set=ns val=1e20*gbox(X,0.0,0.018,0.008)*gbox(Y,-0.1,-0.08,0.008) mat=silicon field set=nd val=1e20*gbox(X,0.0,0.018,0.008)*gbox(Y,0.08,0.1,0.008) mat=silicon field set=npoly val=1e20 material=poly field set=nsubstrate val=-1e18 material=silicon field set=netdope val=npoly+nsubstrate+ns+nd+nstip+ndtip # # Define electrodes # boundary xmin=0.01 xmax=0.03 ymin=-0.1 ymax=-0.1 name=source boundary xmin=0.01 xmax=0.03 ymin=0.1 ymax=0.1 name=drain boundary xmin=-0.102 xmax=-0.102 ymin=-0.045 ymax=0.045 name=gate boundary xmin=0.4 xmax=0.4 ymin=-0.1 ymax=0.1 name=back
Example Prophet input file: MOSFET with polygate (continued):
# # Initial solution at zero bias # bias initial system=silicon_poisson bias system=silicon_dd_lombardi elec=gate voltage=0.0 # # I-V curves # bias system=silicon_dd_lombardi elec=gate vstep=0.1 nstep=6 bias system=silicon_dd_lombardi elec=drain vstep=0.1 nstep=12 bias system=silicon_dd_lombardi elec=gate vstep=0.1 nstep=6 bias system=silicon_dd_lombardi elec=drain vstep=-0.1 nstep=12 # # Save I-V data to file in column format # graph iv outfile=mos.iv