Mixed Mode Simulation - Description

The purpose of the Stanford Mixed-Mode Simulator is to provide a mechanism to include complex devices in SPICE where compact models may be inadequate. Such devices include GaAs MESFET's, hetero-junction transistors, short channel MOSFET's, and optical devices. SPICE provides an industry standard for circuit simulation upon which the numerical device model is added. As a result, mixed-mode opens many opportunities to consolidate the other projects in the TCAD group. Device cross sections created in the virtual factory can be coupled with parasitic extractions from layout and simulated in mixed-mode before going to the manufacturing line.

Unlike the current commercial mixed-mode simulators, Stanford has taken the approach of a loosely coupled algorithm. As a result, any device simulator may be added into the mixed-mode environment with the addition of a few routines and a couple of small changes to the device simulator. In addition, each numerical device in the circuit may be simulated with a different simulator. As a result, the user is able to obtain a more robust solution by choosing the optimum simulator for the specific device. Hence, the main advantage of the loosely coupled algorithm at Stanford is the modularity; however, some computational cost is incurred.

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