Here is a list of books of interest to the Dutton Group.
Below each
book title is the name and room number of its keeper:
- W. Gropp, E. Lusk, A. Skjellum, Using MPI: Portable Parallel
Programming with the Message-Passing Interface,
MIT Press, 1994.
-- (Francis Rotella, CISX 305)
- L. Wall, R. Schwartz, Learning Perl ,
O'reilly & Associate, 1994.
--(Edward Chan, CISX 305)
- L. Wall, R. Schwartz, Programming Perl,
O'Reilly & Associates, 1992.
-- (Edward Chan)
- S. Shlaer and J. Mellor, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis
, Prentice Hall, 1988.
-- (Edwin Kan, CISX 334)
- Siegel, CORBA, Wiley & Sons.
-- (CIS 214, Bruce Herndon)
- Rosenblatt, Learning the Korn Shell, O'Reilly &
-- (Bruce Herndon, CIS 214)
- Introducing BVScript and ActiveX
-- (Nawwar Kasrawi, CISX 302)
- JAVAScript: Definitive GD-Beta
-- (Nawwar Kasrawi, CISX 302)
- I. Gottlieb, Practical RF Power Design Techniques,
TAB Books, 1993.
-- (Bob Dutton, CISX 333)
Guide Books
- C. Musciano, B. Kennedy, HTML: The Definitive Guide
, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1996.
-- (Maria Perea, CISX 332)
- G. Bouton, Adobe Photoshop NOW!, New Riders
Publishing, 1994.
-- (Maria Perea, CISX 332)
- Hilley, Windows NT Server 4.0 Secrets.
-- (Nawwar Kasrawi)
- P. Sanna et al, Using NT Workstation.
-- (Nawwar Kasrawi)
- Garms et al, Windows NT Server 4 Unleashed.
-- (Nawwar Kasrawi)
- Windows NT, OLE, and Microsoft Visual Basics books are available in
Maria and Zhiping's office.