This project addresses modeling and simulation of noise in advanced silicon-based devices, with special emphasis on hetero-junction transistors. The increased frequency performance of both HFET and HBT transistors fabricated in silicon hold great promise for high-frequency RF applications. However, the noise properties and how they scale with device dimensions are of paramount importance. This project, jointly with collaborators in Germany (Profs. Meinerzagen and Jungemann) exploits both Monte Carlo (MC) and Hydro-Dynamic (HD) device simulators to characterize noise properties in advanced Silicon-Germanium hetero-junction transistors as well as in conventional CMOS. Several CIS Partner companies are supporting and collaborating in this project-currently Philips, Matsushita and Infineon.

Measured Data and HD-based Device Simulations for CMOS Transistor

These results show excellent agreement of data and simulations for a 1?m channel length transistor, operating at 2.475 GHz (data courtesy Scholten of Philips, IEDM 2002). The vertical axis is the correlation coefficient between gate and drain current noise contributions. Simulations for nano-scale channel length devices show important trends in physical effects and scaling trends for future RF performance.

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Last updated August 5, 2004.
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