Read/write the mesh and solution information.
- structure
- [ (infile=string | outfile=string) ]
[ pisces=string ] [ show ] [ backside.y=n ]
[ mirror ] [ left ] [ right ]
[ imagetool=string ]
[ x.min=n | x.max=n | y.min=n | y.max=n | z.min=n | z.max=n | pixelx=n | pixely=n | nxfac=n | nyfac=n | mode=n ]
[ simpl=string ] [ header=string ]
The structure statement allows the user to read and write the entire mesh and solution set. The data saved is from the current set of solution and impurity values.
- infile, outfile
- These parameters specify the name of the file to be read or written. An existing file will be overwritten.
- pisces
- This is how SUPREM-IV talks to PISCES. The file created is a PISCES "geometry" file and is read with the "mesh infile=xxx geom" statement in PISCES (Sept. 87 version). Electrodes are generated at polysilicon and aluminum interfaces with either silicon or oxide, and at the backside. The electrode numbering is by SUPREM-IV region number, and is printed out. Materials that PISCES does not recognize are stripped from the output file. This includes polysilicon and aluminum layers.
- show
- The numbering of electrodes is displayed by plotting the structure and labeling each electrode node with its electrode number.
- backside.y
- Used in conjunction with the pisces parameter, the substrate (assumed to be silicon) will be etched from the location specified by the argument to backside.y to the bottom of the wafer. A backside contact extending across the substrate in the x-direction will be placed at this y-value.
- mirror left
mirror right
- Mirrors the grid around its left or right boundary. Useful for turning half-a-MOSFET simulations into PISCES grids. The default is to reflect around the right axis.
- imagetool
- This string parameter specifies the name of the binary raster file that can be used by NCSA programs such as XImage. The entire structure will be plotted unless clipped by the window parameters x.min, x.max, y.min, and y.max. In addition the size of the raster image is controlled by the parameters pixelx and pixely. Z values are derived using the select command. All z values will be plotted unless clipped with z.min and z.max. For details on the parameters associated with imagetool files, see below.
- x.min
- This float parameter is minimum x-value in microns used in generating the raster image. x.min defaults to the left edge of the entire structure.
- x.max
- This float parameter is maximum x-value in microns used in generating the raster image. x.max defaults to the right edge of the entire structure.
- y.min
- This float parameter is minimum y-value in microns used in generating the raster image. y.min defaults to the top edge of the entire structure.
- y.max
- This float parameter is maximum y-value in microns used in generating the raster image. y.max defaults to the bottom edge of the entire structure.
- z.min
- This float parameter is the minimum z-value used for generating the raster image. The z array is created using the select command. If the actual z-value is less than z.min, the value will be given the same color as z.min.
- z.max
- This float parameter is the maximum z-value used for generating the raster image. The z array is created using the select command. If the actual z-value is greater than z.max, the value will be given the same color as z.max.
- pixelx
- This integer parameter is the number of pixels in the x-direction for the raster image. The default value is 400 pixels.
- pixely
- This integer parameter is the number of pixels in the y-direction for the raster image. The default value is 200 pixels.
- nxfac
- This integer parameter is the amount of linear interpolation in the x-direction to be done on the rectangular grid that will be used to create the raster image. The default value of 1 gives the most resolution at the cost of higher CPU usage. A higher value will give a slightly coarser picture but will take less CPU time.
- nyfac
- This integer parameter is the amount of linear interpolation in the y-direction to be done on the rectangular grid that will be used to create the raster image. The default value of 1 gives the most resolution at the cost of higher CPU usage. A higher value will give a slightly coarser picture but will take less CPU time.
- mode
- This integer parameter is a special flag (0 or 1) useful for plotting doping concentrations. It assumes that the follow select statement was issued:
select z=sign(bor-phos-ars)*log10(abs(bor-phos-ars))
The colors are then mapped between -14 and 14. This compresses the color spectrum to allow more colors in the region of interest.
- clear
- This integer parameter clears a global counter which counts frame numbers is association with the movie parameter of the diffuse command.
- count
- This integer parameter increments the global counter. When used with the movie parameter of the diffuse command, a sequence of image files can be generated whose last 3 characters are numbers. Files in this type of sequence can be easily animated using NCSA XImage.
- simpl
- This string parameter generates a file in the SIMPL-2 format. This is necessary to incorporate SUPREM-IV information into the SIMPL-IPX system. Another parameter, header, must also be specified.
- header
- This string parameter is the name of the file used to describe the cross section to be described. This is the first few lines from a SIMPL-2 file. Usually these files are automatically generated when using SUPREM-IV within the SIMPL-IPX environment.
- structure infile=foo
- This command reads in a previously saved structure in file foo.
- structure pisces=baz show backside.y=5.0
- Writes a PISCES-II compatible file. The locations and number of the electrodes will be displayed. In addition the silicon substrate will be removed for y > 5.0 and a backside contact will be placed at y = 5.0.
- structure imagetool=foo x.min=-1.0 x.max=1.0 y.min=-1.0 y.max=1.0 pixelx=300 pixely=150
- Writes an binary raster file for XImage of size 300 by 150 pixels. Only data in the window -1.0 mm x 1.0 mm, -1.0 mm y 1.0 mm is shown in the image.
- structure simpl=foo.cross header=headerfile
- Writes a SIMPL-2 ASCII file using cross section information from file headerfile.
The show option echoes a lot of nonsense while drawing the structure.
Beware of rounding errors when mirroring. If the left or right boundary is not smooth to within 0.1 A, some points will be duplicated.
The Initialize statement.