Field Oxidation Sequence - Wet O2, First 2 Minutes

#diffuse time=190 temp=1000                 weto2
#break up this step into several substeps
diffuse time=2 temp=1000 weto2
estimated first time step -0.000000e+00
Solving            0 +        0.001 =        0.001,      100%, np 67
Continued too far, backing off.
Continued too far, backing off.
Continued too far, backing off.
Continued too far, backing off.
Continued too far, backing off.
Solving        0.001 +     0.280125 =     0.281125,  28012.4%, np 67
Solving     0.281125 +       9.4404 =      9.72153,  3370.07%, np 67
Solving      9.72153 +      91.6106 =      101.332,   970.41%, np 67
Solving      101.332 +      18.6679 =          120,  20.3774%, np 67
Continued too far, backing off.
Continued too far, backing off.
struct out=2.str

next step to 9 minutes - back to first page