
This manual, like the SUPREM-IV.GS program itself, is the work of many people. The original SUPREM-IV manual was primarily written by Mark E. Law with contributions by Conor Rafferty, Goodwin Chin, and Chih-Chuan Lin. The modifications and additions needed for SUPREM-IV.GS were done by Michael D. Deal and Stephen E. Hansen.

Contributors by section:

M. Deal, S. E. Hansen
Adding SUPREM 3.5's GaAs Models and Parameters to SUPREM-IV
M. Deal, S. E. Hansen
User's Reference Manual
M. E. Law, C. S. Rafferty, G. Chin, C. C. Lin, S. E. Hansen
M. E. Law, C. S. Rafferty, M. Deal, S. E. Hansen