Usage: field fieldName -linkVariableAtPoint variable coordinate
This form links a TCL variable to the node nearest the specified coordinate. The coordinate is given as a list of floating point numbers in Alamode mesh units (i.e. centimeters), and unspecified axes default to 0.0.
For example,
field BoronInSilicon -linkVariableAtPoint exposedBoron [list 0.1e-4] puts "Value of boron at exposed surface is $exposedBoron"links the TCL variable ``exposedBoron'' to the value closest to .
field BoronInSilicon -linkVariableAtPoint monitor [list 0.0e-4 0.2-e4]links the TCL variable ``monitor'' to the values closest to .
If the mesh changes (e.g. another structure is read in), subsequent access to the field value via the TCL variable will produce undefined results, and may even lead to memory access violations (i.e. Unix segmentation violations).