Usage: field fieldName [-inRegion regionName] -setValue value
This form initializes the values of a field. The value can be a numeric value, a field, or a function. For example,
field BoronInGas -inRegion ExposedSilicon -setValue 1.0e22could be used to set values at gas nodes for a gaseous predeposition, and
set BssValue 1.5e20 field ActiveBoronInSilicon -inRegion Silicon -setValue \ [function ssactive -parameters [list BoronInSilicon BssValue]]could be used to update the active boron field after an anneal.
The 97.11.07 version had an undocumented limitation for field initialization using functions. If the destination field was also used as a source field in a function initialization, the results were undefined. That limitation has been removed.