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  Although backward Euler has properties appropriate for robustly integrating the stiff systems of ODEs arising from semiconductor diffusion models, it is only first-order accurate. The TR/BDF2 method, discussed in [1], provides a second order accurate A-stable and L-stable single step method comprised of a trapezoid step over part of the time-step followed by a second order backward difference step over the remainder of the time step.

Let tex2html_wrap_inline3384 and tex2html_wrap_inline3386 be the computed solution at tex2html_wrap_inline3388 . The TR substep goes from tex2html_wrap_inline3390 to tex2html_wrap_inline3388 via


The BDF2 substep goes from tex2html_wrap_inline3394 to tex2html_wrap_inline3396 via


The constant multiplying the truncation error is minimized if tex2html_wrap_inline3398 . This value of gamma also produces identical jacobians for both the TR and BDF2 steps.

The local truncation error (LTE) can be used to estimate a reasonable next time step. One approach is to use the divided difference formula


is used to estimate the LTE. Note that C is the constant multiplying the highest order truncation term in the method


The LTE is compared to an allowable error tolerance to produce a RMS measure of the normalized pointwise error. Let




Then, the RMS measure of the normalized pointwise error is given by


A candidate next time step is chosen as


If r is reasonably small (say less than 2), the error in the timestep is assumed to be acceptable and the next time step is chosen to be tex2html_wrap_inline3404 . The 2 times cap on increases is to avoid stepsize oscillations. If r is too large, the current timestep is repeated with tex2html_wrap_inline3408 .

A second timestep estimator is based on a LTE estimate computed using a Milne's device. A second TR step is taken from tex2html_wrap_inline3410 to tex2html_wrap_inline3412 . The solutions of the BDF2 step and the second TR step are compared and used to estimate the truncation error. See [4] for more details.

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Dan Yergeau
Wed Jun 18 19:17:04 PDT 1997