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Alamode (A LAyered Model Development Environment) is a program which solves systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) that are described using a dial-an-operator paradigm. Its purpose is to allow quick prototyping of PDE-based models for thermal diffusion in semiconductors, and also provides a framework for evaluating new numerical techniques to discretize and solve these equations. The emphasis in the user interface is to provide for complete specification of the equations and boundary conditions comprising the model, while eventually providing additional layers of access to the discretization and numerical techniques used to solve the equations.

Unlike SUPREM, which is designed to be a process simulator, Alamode is only a PDE solver. This difference is reflected strongly in the user interface. Whereas SUPREM has reasonable defaults for models and parameters, Alamode requires the complete specification of all terms, parameters, and boundary/interface constraints for a model as applicable to the specific device structure being simulated. While this may initially seem excessive, this enables more flexibility in model description than SUPREM allows and ensures that there are no hidden features of any model.

Everything described in this manual is subject to change, and backward compatibility to prior versions will be attempted, but is not guaranteed. Currently available features will probably not be deleted, but they may be significantly changed. User feedback is important to help mold future changes. Send suggestions to alamode@gloworm.Stanford.EDU.

This manual corresponds to release 97.06.18 of Alamode. The most recent version of the documentation is available on the WWW from http://WWW-TCAD.Stanford.EDU/tcad/programs/alamode.html.

The first widely distributed release was 96.11.07. Changes made since 96.11.07 include:

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Dan Yergeau
Wed Jun 18 19:17:04 PDT 1997