Variable Linking Between C and TCL

Many global variables are linked between C and TCL. This means that a change in a linked C variable through C code, will produce the same change in the equivalent TCL variable. Similarly, a change in a linked TCL variable by TCL code, will result in the same change to the C variable.

The links are defined in the file tkAppInit.c

The following variables are linked. C variables are declared in globals.h and TCL variables are declared in iplot.tcl

ipl_min_x.......................... min_x
ipl_min_y.......................... min_y
ipl_max_x.......................... max_x
ipl_max_y.......................... max_y
ipl_scale_x......................... x_scale
ipl_scale_y......................... y_scale
ipl_trans_x......................... x_trans
ipl_trans_y......................... y_trans

ipl_gridsize_x.................... current_gridsize_x
ipl_gridsize_y.................... current_gridsize_y
ipl_toplabel........................ current_title
ipl_bottomlabel................. current_xaxis
ipl_leftlabel....................... current_yaxis

ipl_plotgeom..................... plot_geom
ipl_plotmesh...................... plot_mesh
ipl_plotcontour.................. plot_contour
ipl_plotnode...................... plot_node
ipl_plot1d.......................... plot_1d

ipl_noofregions................. current_noof_regions
ipl_colormode................... color_mode
ipl_noofdatasets................ noof_data_sets
ipl_dimension................... current_dimen
ipl_scaletype..................... scale_type

For more about variable linking see A Brief Description of Tcl use within IPlot

IPlot Home Page Technical Doc's User's Guide
IPlot and its accompanying WWW pages were written by Gene McKenna
a member of Stanford University's famous TCAD Group