The data is read in from an HDF Vset File . This information is then used to build IPlot Data Objects. The IPlot Data Objects are broken down into Geometry Data, Mesh Data and Miscellaneous Data.
The toplevel definition of a data set is found in the file dataset.h
Below is a rough outline of the overall data structure.
IPlotDataSets[i] Geometry Mesh Misc noof_geom_points noof_mesh_points number noof_geom_edges noof_mesh_edges calcminmax noof_geom_boundaries noof_mesh_elements dimensions noof_geom_regions noof_mesh_solutions data_min_x,data_min_y Geom_Point[ ] Mesh_Point[ ] data_min_y,data_max_y Geom_Edge[ ] Mesh_Edge[ ] gridsizex,gridsizey Geom_Boundary[ ] Mesh_Element[ ] Geom_Region[ ] Mesh_Solution[ ] title,x-axis,y-axis plotgeom,plotmesh plotcontour,plotnode plot1d