Specify a surface type.
- boundary
- ( reflecting | exposed | backside )
xlo = string ylo = string
xhi = string yhi = string
This statement is used to specify what conditions to apply at each surface in a rectangular mesh.
- reflecting | exposed | backside
- At present, three surface types are recognized. exposed surfaces correspond to the top of the wafer. Materials are only deposited on exposed surfaces (so if a deposit does nothing you know where to start looking). Impurity predeposition also happens at exposed surfaces, as does defect recombination and generation. backside surfaces roughly correspond to a nitride- or oxide-capped backside. Defect recombination and generation happen here. reflecting surfaces correspond to the sides of the device, and are also good for the backside if defects are not being simulated. The default for surfaces is reflecting.
- xlo, ylo, xhi, yhi
- The bounds of the rectangle being specified. The string value should be one of the tags created in a preceding line statement.
- boundary exposed xlo=left xhi=right ylo=surf yhi=surf
- boundary backsid xlo=left xhi=right ylo=back yhi=back
These lines specify that the top of the mesh is the exposed surface, and that the bottom is the backside.
The top surface should probably default to exposed, and the bottom to backside.