option quiet set echo mode one.dim line x loc=0.0 spacing=0.01 tag=top line x loc=1.0 spacing=0.01 line x loc=20 spacing=0.25 tag=bottom region gaas xlo=top xhi=bottom boundary exposed xlo=top xhi=top boundary backside xlo=bottom xhi=bottom init beryllium conc=1e15 deposit gaas thick=.5 divisions=100 beryllium conc=5e18 deposit gaas thick=.5 divisions=100 beryllium conc=1e15 deposit nitride thick=.3 select z=log10(beryllium) plot.1d x.min=-1 x.ma=1 y.mi=14 y.max=20 line.type=4 method fermi init=1e-5 method full.fac diffuse time=15 temp=800 argon select z=log10(beryllium) plot.1d x.min=-1 x.ma=1 y.mi=14 y.max=20 cle=f axi=f line.type=2 quitHere, Be is grown into the GaAs by using the deposit statements
deposit gaas thick=.5 divisions=100 beryllium conc=5e18 deposit gaas thick=.5 divisions=100 beryllium conc=1e15instead of an implant statement. In this case, SUPREM-IV.GS uses the lower "as-grown" diffusivities for beryllium since no implanted beryllium is present. The as-grown and diffused profiles are shown in Figure 1. The extent of beryllium diffusion is seen to be much less in this case compared to the implanted case (Example 13), even though the same anneal conditions are used and the beryllium peak concentrations are comparable (the diffusion is hole, or concentration, dependent).