option quiet set echo line x loc = 0.0 tag=left spacing = 0.5 line x loc = 0.50 spacing = 0.5 line x loc = 4.00 spacing = 0.5 line x loc = 4.10 spacing = 0.1 line x loc = 4.20 spacing = 0.05 line x loc = 4.50 spacing = 0.05 line x loc = 5.00 tag=right spacing = 0.05 line y loc=0.0 tag=top spacing=0.03 line y loc=0.3 spacing=0.03 line y loc=1.0 spacing=0.1 line y loc=3.0 tag=bottom spacing=0.3 region gaas xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=bottom boundary exposed xlo=left xhi=right ylo=top yhi=top boundary backside xlo=left xhi=right ylo=bottom yhi=-bottom init isilicon conc=3e15 deposit nitride thick=1.0 etch nitride start x=5 y=0.0 etch continue x=5 y=-1.10 etch continue x=4.5 y=-1.10 etch done x=4.5 y=0.0 implant isilicon dose=1.75e12 energy=75 pearson implant beryllium dose=1e13 energy=100 pearson etch nitride start x=4.5 y=0.0 etch continue x=4.5 y=-1.10 etch continue x=0 y=-1.10 etch done x=0 y=0.0 deposit nitride thick=1.0 etch nitride start x=4.5 y=0.0 etch continue x=4.5 y=-1.10 etch continue x=0.0 y=-1.10 etch done x=0.0 y=0.0 implant isilicon dose=1e13 energy=100.0 pearson etch nitride start x=4.5 y=0.0 etch continue x=4.5 y=-1.10 etch continue x=5.0 y=-1.10 etch done x=5.0 y=0.0 deposit nitride thick=.05 structure mirror right plot.2d bound fill x.min=4.0 x.max=6 y.max=1.6 select z=log10(isilicon) foreach v (15. to 18.5 step 0.5) contour val=v line.type=2 end plot.2d bound fill x.min=4 x.max=6 y.max=1.6 cle=f axi=f select z=log10(beryllium) foreach v (16.5 to 17.0 step .5) contour val=v line.type=4 end quit