option quiet set echo mode one.dim line x loc=0.0 spacing=0.01 tag=top line x loc=1.0 spacing=0.01 line x loc=20 spacing=0.25 tag=bottom region gaas xlo=top xhi=bottom boundary exposed xlo=top xhi=top boundary backside xlo=bottom xhi=bottom init carbon conc=1e15 implant beryllium dose=2e13 energy=100 pearson implant isilicon dose=5e13 energy=50 pearson #beryllium gaas Dip.0=2.1e-8 Dip.E=1.74 beryllium gaas /nitride Seg.0=.5 Seg.E=0 deposit nitride thick=.3 select z=log10(beryllium) plot.1d x.min=0 x.ma=2 y.mi=14 y.max=20 line.type=2 select z=log10(isilicon) plot.1d x.min=0 x.ma=2 y.mi=14 y.max=20 cle=f axi=f line.type=3 select z=log10(carbon) plot.1d x.min=0 x.ma=2 y.mi=14 y.max=20 cle=f axi=f line.type=4 method fermi init=1e-5 method full.fac diffuse time=15 temp=800 argon select z=log10(beryllium) plot.1d x.min=0 x.ma=2 y.mi=14 y.max=20 cle=f axi=f line.type=5 quitIf you wish to change the beryllium diffusivity parameters, you would uncomment the line:
#beryllium gaas Dip.0=2.1e-8 Dip.E=1.74and put in your own values.