Yiupun Michael Kwong
Proper simulation of a Process Flow often require the use of multiple TCAD tools with different capabilities and "worldview." The file-based approach to tool integration is inefficient, requiring dedicated translators for every TCAD tool to be brought into the system. A framework based approach, with well-defined interfaces for TCAD components, would allow better interoperation between TCAD tools, leading to a more maintainable simulation simulation environemtn. Furthermore, by allowing plug-and-play of heterogeneious tools, we could easily extend the framework to provide additional functionality, as well as encourage code reuse by allowing new and existing tools to take advantage of existing functionality provided by other components. Approaches that will allow thin client remote access to and control of such a system is also being explored.
Prototype Implementation of CORBA based client server TCAD architecture using Alamode (an object oriented PDE solver) and Camino (Mesh and Field Service). Exploration of the use of optimization techniques for extracting model parameters using SIMS profile and doping profiles using terminal measurements.
Publications & Presentations this Quarter: None
Trips: None