To register, fill-out and return the form below.  Registration fee
includes coffee breaks and reception on June 5, 1994.

Name _____________________________________Affiliation__________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________

Telephone __________________ Fax ____________________ E-mail __________________

The registration fee is $225 for IEEE members and $250 for non-members.  
Registration forms must be received by May 5, 1994.  Make check
payable to NUPAD V, and send to NUPAD Conference Manager, 205 AEL
Building, Stanford University, Stanford, CA  94305-4055.  


Name _____________________________________Affiliation__________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________

Telephone ________________________________Sharing Room with __________________

Reservations must be received by the Hilton Hawaiian Village no later
than MAY 1, 1994 to qualify for a room under the VLSI Symposia room
block.  Rooms must be guaranteed by a credit card or advance deposit.
                                               Diamond Head Tower  Tapa Tower
Arrival Date _________at _____am/pm   Single        $128              $164

Departure Date _______at ______am/pm  Double        $128              $164
Check in: 2:00 pm/Check out: 11:00 am                     Circle rate

Return form and deposit directly to:
		Hilton Hawaiian Village 
		2005 Kalia Road
                Honolulu Hawaii  96815-1999
                Tel: (808) 949-4321