Richard Quimby Williams was born in Berkeley, California and raised in Missouri and Texas. He received Bachelors and Masters degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1982 he joined the International Business Machines Corporation at their Essex Junction, Vermont location, where he worked in a circuit design and modeling group. Richard was given the IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement award in 1988 and the IBM Division award in 1990 for work on compact model development systems. He has six IBM technical disclosures and is a staff engineer. In 1989 he was selected for IBM's Resident Study Program and is presently on leave at Stanford University where he is a Ph.D. candidate. Richard is a member of Sigma Xi and the IEEE.

The subject of his Ph.D. research is the modeling and optimization of silicon heterostructure MOSFETs. His technical interests include research and development of novel semiconductor devices, circuits, and systems. Outside interests include swimming, hiking, softball, woodworking, electronics projects, and traveling.

Richard Q. Williams (rqw@gloworm.Stanford.EDU)
AEL 231
Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4055