
Sun has acquired Star Division and is releasing StarOffice at no charge. It has been installed on the gloworm cluster as staroffice.


StarOffice is an office suite similar to Microsoft Office. It includes applications for StarOffice can read many (but not all) documents produced by (older versions of) MS Office applications. Conversion is not always 100%, but it should be usable to view/print most email attachments. I believe that it is also immune to Word macro virus infestation.


The first time it is run, it will launch a wizard to do a "user" customization/installation. Most of this should be self-explanatory. For the three questionable dialogs, choose: If you have an existing copy of StarOffice and you want to use the cluster's version, you should delete/move before trying to run the cluster's version. And, please remove your old copy after you set yourself up to run the cluster's shared version.

Known glitches

If there are other installation glitches, let action@gloworm know. Please note that support of this package is very low priority.
Last modified: Wed Sep 1 11:36:02 PDT 1999