TeX for Unix systems can be obtained from the University of Washington for a distribution fee.
To order a full distribution, specify whether you prefer 1/4 inch QIC-24 or 4mm DAT tape (9-track reel-to-reel is no longer available) and send $210.00 for a (tar or cpio) cartridge, payable to the University of Washington to:
Pierre MacKay Department of Classics Denny Hall, Mail Stop DH-10 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195
Purchase orders are acceptable, but there is an extra charge of $10.00, to pay for processing charges.
For overseas orders please add $20.00 to the base cost for shipment via air parcel post, or $30.00 for shipment via courier.
The normal distribution is a tar tape, blocked 20, 1600 bpi, on an industry standard 2400 foot half-inch reel. The physical format for the 1/4 inch streamer cartridges is QIC-24. System V tapes can be written in cpio format, blocked 5120 bytes, with ASCII headers.