The PRINT line


  PRint location quantity flags


The PRINT line prints specific quantities at points within a defined area of the device.


  Region   =  vector  (default is all regions)
  Z.MIn    =  real    (default is min(z) in device)
  Z.MAx    =  real    (default is max(z) in device)
  X.MIn    =  real
  X.MAx    =  real
  Y.MIn    =  real
  Y.MAx    =  real
  IX.Low   =  integer
  IX.High  =  integer
  IY.Low   =  integer
  IY.High  =  integer

The above parameters define area in which the points of interest lie. The default area is the entire device. REGION gives an optional vector of region numbers. In the z-dimension, extents can be defined by coordinates, Z.MIN and Z.MAX (in mm). In the x and y dimensions, extents can be defined by physical coordinates X.MIN, X.MAX, Y.MIN and Y.MAX, or by the bounding indicies IX.LOW, IX.HIGH, IY.LOW and IY.HIGH (valid only for rectangular meshes).


  POints    =  logical
  Elements  =  logical
  Geometry  =  logical
  Solution  =  logical
  P.SOL1    =  logical
  P.SOL2    =  logical
  Current   =  logical
  P.CURR1   =  logical
  P.CURR2   =  logical
  QUe       =  logical
  P.QUE1    =  logical
  P.QUE2    =  logical
  Jcomp     =  logical
  P.Jcomp1  =  logical
  P.Jcomp2  =  logical
  MObility  =  logical
  MAterial  =  logical

The above parameters specify the quantities to be plotted. Any or all may be specified, and each defaults to false. POINTS prints node information (coordinates, doping, etc.). ELEMENTS prints information on the triangular elements (number, nodes, material). GEOMETRY prints geometrical information on the triangles. SOLUTION prints the present solution (psi, n, p and carrier temperatures or quasi-fermi potentials - see below), while P.SOL1 and P.SOL2 print the previous two solutions. CURRENT prints currents (electron, hole, conduction, displacement and total) at each node for the present solution; P.CURR1 and P.CURR2 print currents for previous solutions. QUE prints space charge, recombination and electric field for the present solution; P.QUE1 and P.QUE2 print the same quantities for the previous two solutions. JCOMP prints total mobility and current components - drift, diffusion, etc. - estimated by taking centered differences (rather than Scharfetter-Gummel, so these may not add to the same values as elsewhere). MOBILITY prints mobility components as defined by activated scattering mechanisms at each point. MATERIAL prints material information (permittivity, band-gap, etc.), including the value of the concentration dependent mobility and lifetime (if specified) at each point.


  X.Component  =  logical  (default is false)
  Y.Component  =  logical  (default is false)
  Z.Component  =  logical  (default is false)
  QF           =  logical  (default is false)
  ELectrons    =  logical  (default is true)
  Holes        =  logical  (default is true)
  Velocity     =  logical  (default is false)
  No.order     =  logical  (default is false)
  MIx.mater    =  logical  (default is false)  [Expert]

X.COMPONENT, Y.COMPONENT and Z.COMPONENT specify how any of the various vector quantities (currents, fields) should be printed. The default is the magnitude of the vector as a whole. X.COMPONENT specifies that the magnitude of the x-component of all vectors be printed; Y.COMPONENT specifies the y-component; and Z.COMPONENT specifies the z-component (assuming the structure is 3D). Only one (or none) of these can be specified on a single line. By default, the SOLUTION parameter above will print carrier temperatures; the QF parameter can be used to replace the temperature columns with respective quasi-Fermi potentials. ELECTRONS and HOLES specify the carriers used when printing current and mobility components. VELOCITY scales all local currents by the local carrier density, thus printing velocities rather than currents where appropriate. Inclusion of NO.ORDER will list grid point data in the order used in the internal data structures, rather than the default geometric (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) ordering. MIX.MATER specifies that local vector averaging should be done over all materials to which the node belongs as opposed to just the hierarchical choice (given on the output to the POINTS option).


The following prints the physical coordinates, doping and region/electrode information for points along the 10th x grid line, from the 1st to the 20th y grid lines.


In the next example, solution information is printed for 0 < x < 1mm and 0 < y < 2mm.