The PLOT.2D line


  PLOT.2d area-definition quantity control linetypes


The PLOT.2D line plots quantities in a specified two-dimensional area of the device. A PLOT.2D line is required before performing a contour plot (see CONTOUR line) in order to obtain the plot boundaries.


  X.MIn   =  real
  X.MAx   =  real
  Y.MIn   =  real
  Y.MAx   =  real
  Z.pos   =  real     (default is 0)
  TOp     =  logical  (default is false)
  BOTtom  =  logical  (default is false)
  LEft    =  logical  (default is false)
  Right   =  logical  (default is false)

The above parameters define the rectangular area of the device to be plotted. The default area is a rectangle around the entire device in the xy-plane closest to the z-coordinate specified by Z.POS (in mm). Alternatively one can plot the TOP xz-plane, the BOTTOM xz-plane, the LEFT most yz-plane or the RIGHT most yz-plane.


  GRid or Mesh  =  logical  (default is false)
  OBtuse        =  logical  (default is false)
  CROsses       =  logical  (default is false)
  BOUndary      =  logical  (default is false)
  Interface     =  integer  (default is 1)
  DEpl.edg      =  logical  (default is false)
  Junction      =  logical  (default is false)

The GRID (or MESH) option plots the grid, including lines delineating elements. OBTUSE colors in all obtuse triangles in the displayed grid. CROSSES plots crosses at the locations of grid points. BOUNDARY indicates that internal and external device boundaries are to be plotted. INTERFACE controls which boundaries are plotted as follows:

  0    Outer boundaries                                      
  1    Outer boundaries and dissimilar material interfaces   
  2    Outer boundaries and all interfaces                   

DEPL.EDG indicates that depletion edges are to be plotted (note: depletion edges can only be plotted after a solution is present). The JUNCTION option specifies that the junctions from the doping profiles are to be plotted.


  NO.TIc       =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.TOp       =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.Fill      =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.Clear     =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.End       =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.Diag      =  logical  (default is false)
  LAbels       =  logical  (default is false)
  TITle        =  logical  (default is false)
  Flip.x       =  logical  (default is false)
  TILt         =  logical  (default is false)
  A.Elevation  =  real     (default is 30)
  A.Azimuth    =  real     (default is -30)
  Pause        =  logical  (default is false)
  SPline       =  logical  (default is false)
  NSpline      =  integer  (default is 100)
  CRIter       =  real
  GEomfile     =  character
  Outfile      =  character

NO.TIC indicates that tic marks are not to be included around the plotted area. NO.TOP indicates that tic marks are not to be put on the top of the plotted region. The NO.FILL option will force PADRE to draw the device area plotted to scale; if this option is not specified, the plot will fill the screen, and the triangles will appear distorted. NO.CLEAR specifies that the screen is not to be cleared before plotting. NO.END keeps the output file open after the plot is finished so that it can be appended to by a subsequent plot. NO.DIAG leaves diagonals out of rectangular grids that are plotted using the GRID option. LABELS makes room for color contour labels on the right side of the plot device, and TITLE prints the title of the run (from the TITLE line) at the top of the plot. FLIP.X flips the plot about the y-axis; i.e., it negates all x coordinates so that the plot is mirrored. TILT specifies that the plot be tilted by the angles A.ELEVATION and A.AZIMUTH (in degrees). The PAUSE option causes PADRE to stop at the end of the plot so that a hardcopy may be made before continuing. Execution can be resumed by hitting a carriage return. SPLINE indicates that spline interpolation should be used for all contours using NSPLINE points. GEOMFILE specifies the name of a skel format file which will be extracted from each plotted contour (including the junction) using the criterion CRITER; each contour is put in a separate file (last ascii character of GEOMFILE is incremented). These can be used to improve initial grids. OUTFILE generates a binary plotfile which can be dumped directly on a specified screen or plotter.


  L.Elect  =  integer
  L.Deple  =  integer
  L.Junct  =  integer
  L.Bound  =  integer
  L.Grid   =  integer
  COlor    =  logical  (default is false)
  Grey     =  logical  (default is false)

L.ELECT, L.DEPLE, L.JUNCT, L.BOUND and L.GRID set line types for electrodes, depletion edges, junctions, region boundaries and grid, respectively. COLOR specifies color fills, and GREY specifies grey scale fills.


The following plots the entire grid to scale with tic marks:


In the next example, the device and region boundaries, junctions and depletion edges are plotted in the rectangular area bounded by 0 < x < 5um and 0 < y < 10um. The plot is allowed to fill the screen and tic marks are not included along the top of the plot.

  PLOT.2D  X.MIN=0 X.MAX=5 Y.MIN=0 Y.MAX=10 

Make a 3d plot of junctions on front face, top and right side. Put all faces in a single output file using NO.END and NO.CLEAR. Note that contours could also be included in 3D plots by inclusion after each respective PLOT.2D line.

  PLOT.2    NO.TIC NO.FILL BOUND JUNC OUTF=plt3d     # front
  +         Z.POS=0 TILT TITLE=f L.ELECT=1 NO.END
  PLOT.2    NO.TIC NO.FILL BOUND JUNC OUTF=plt3d     # right
  PLOT.2    NO.TIC NO.FILL BOUND JUNC OUTF=plt3d     # top