The PLOT.1D line


  PLOT.1d  segment function axes plot-control data-control


The PLOT.1D line plots a specific quantity along a line segment through the device (mode A), or plots an I-V curve of data (mode B).


  X.Start or A.X  =  real
  Y.Start or A.Y  =  real
  X.End or B.X    =  real
  Y.End or B.Y    =  real
  Z.pos           =  real      (default is 0)
  COordinate      =  character

The above parameters define the Cartesian coordinates of the start (A.X,A.Y) and the end (B.X,B.Y) of the line segment along which the specified quantity is to be plotted. By default, the data is plotted as a function of distance from the start (A) on the z-plane closest to the z-coordinate given by Z.POS; the data can alternatively be plotted against a particular coordinate ("x", "y" or "z") along the same segment. The line segment may not be defaulted, and it is required in mode A.

function is one of:

  POTential    =  logical   Mid-gap potential
  QFN          =  logical   Electron quasi-fermi level
  QFP          =  logical   Hole quasi-fermi level
  N.temp       =  logical   Electron temperature
  P.temp       =  logical   Hole temperature
  DOping       =  logical   Total net impurity concentration
  IOn.imp      =  logical   Net ionized impurity concentration
  ELectrons    =  logical   Electron concentration
  Holes        =  logical   Hole concentration
  NET.CHarge   =  logical   Net charge concentration
  NET.CArrier  =  logical   Net carrier concentration
  J.Conduc     =  logical   Conduction current
  J.Electr     =  logical   Electron current
  V.Electr     =  logical   Electron velocity
  J.Hole       =  logical   Hole current
  V.Hole       =  logical   Hole velocity
  J.Displa     =  logical   Displacement current
  J.Total      =  logical   Total current
  E.Field      =  logical   Electric field
  REcomb       =  logical   Net recombination
  BAND.Val     =  logical   Valence band potential
  BAND.Con     =  logical   Conduction band potential
  X.Axis       =  character
  Y.Axis       =  character
  Freq         =  real
  INFile       =  character

The above parameters specify the quantity to be plotted. There is no default. In mode A, one of the solution variables is plotted versus distance into the device. For vector quantities, the magnitude is plotted. In mode B, terminal characteristics can be plotted against each other by choosing the value to be plotted on each axis (XAXIS=,YAXIS=). Quantities available for plotting include applied device biases (XAXIS/YAXIS=VA1, VA2, ..., VA9, VA0), actual contact bias which may differ from applied bias in the case of lumped element boundary conditions (V1, V2, etc.), terminal current (I1, I2, etc.), AC capacitances (C11, C12, C21, etc.), AC conductance (G11, G12, G21, etc.) and AC admittance (Y11, Y12, Y21, etc.). Also, voltages at circuit nodes can be plotted as "Vnode_name" where "node_name" is the name of the node, and currents for labeled lumped elements can be plotted by name as "Iname" where "name" is the lumped element name (see LUMP.ELEMENT line). Additionally, any of the voltages or currents can be plotted versus time for transient simulations, and any AC quantity can be plotted versus frequency. For plotting AC parameters versus bias at a particular frequency, use the FREQUENCY parameter. The values plotted are the I-V or AC data of the present run, provided a log is being kept (see the LOG line). Alternatively, a different log file can be loaded with INFILE.


  RIght.axis  =  logical    (default is false)
  SHort.axis  =  logical    (default is false)
  MIN.value   =  real
  MAx.value   =  real
  X.MIn       =  real
  X.MAX       =  real
  X.Scale     =  real       (default is 1)
  Y.Scale     =  real       (default is 1)
  UNScale     =  logical    (default is false)
  X.Label     =  character
  Y.Label     =  character
  X.MARk      =  real       (default is 0)
  Y.Mark      =  real       (default is 0)
  Title       =  logical    (default is true)

RIGHT.AXIS plots the y-axis on the right, and SHORT.AXIS shortens the length of the x-axis, which allows the labels for a right-side y-axis to appear. MIN.VALUE and MAX.VALUE specify minimum and maximum values for the ordinate of the graph; their defaults are found automatically from the data to be plotted. X.MIN and X.MAX allow minimum/maximum values for the abscissa to be specified (the defaults are just the min/max abscissa values in the data to be plotted). The x and y values on the plot are multiplied by X.SCALE and Y.SCALE before plotting. By default, some quantities are further scaled before plotting (e.g. time in ms, ps, ns, etc.); UNSCALE prohibits this scaling. X.LABEL and Y.LABEL allow the user to specify his/her own labels for the x and y axes respectively. X.MARK and Y.MARK put dotted lines at x=X.MARK and y=Y.MARK respectively which is sometimes useful if the origin of the plot is not in the lower left corner. TITLE places the current simulation title (see TITLE line) on the plot.


  NO.Clear   =  logical   (default is false)
  NO.Axis    =  logical   (default is false)
  UNChanged  =  logical   (default is false)
  NO.End     =  logical   (default is false)
  NO.Order   =  logical   (default is false)
  ORder.y    =  logical   (default is false)
  UNIque     =  real      (default is 1.0e-6)
  POInts     =  logical   (default is false)
  NO.Line    =  logical   (default is false)
  PAuse      =  logical   (default is false)
  LIne.type  =  integer   (default is 1)
  OUtfile    =  character
  AScii      =  logical   (default is false)

NO.CLEAR indicates that the screen is not to be cleared before the current plot so that several curves can be plotted on the same axis. NO.AXIS indicates that the axes for the graph are not to be plotted. UNCHANGED is a synonym for NO.AXIS and NO.CLEAR, but additionally it forces the use of the previous axis bounds so that a number of curves can easily be put on the same axis. PADRE by default will order the plot coordinates by abscissa value; this ordering will result in unusual plots for IV curves with negative resistance, for example. NO.END keeps the output file open after the plot is finished so that it can be appended to by a subsequent plot. The NO.ORDER parameter forces PADRE to plot the data points as they naturally occur while the ORDER.Y parameter orders by ordinate (y) value. UNIQUE is a relative factor used to determine whether data points coincide and hence can be stripped. POINTS marks the data points on the plotted curve, while NO.LINE specifies that the points not be connected by a line. The PAUSE option causes PADRE to stop at the end of the plot so that a hardcopy may be made before continuing. Execution can be resumed by hitting a carriage return. LINE.TYPE specifies the line type for the plotted curve. OUTFILE generates an output file containing the plot in a format to be dumped on a specified terminal screen or plotter. ASCII specifies that this output file have an ascii tabular format.


  ABsolute     =  logical  (default is false)
  LOgarithm    =  logical  (default is false)
  X.Log        =  logical  (default is false)
  DEcibels     =  logical  (default is false)
  INTegral     =  logical  (default is false)
  NEGative     =  logical  (default is false)
  INVerse      =  logical  (default is false)
  D.order      =  real     (default is 0)
  X.Component  =  logical  (default is false)
  Y.Component  =  logical  (default is false)
  MIx.mater    =  logical  (default is false)  [Expert]
  SPline       =  logical  (default is false)
  NSpline      =  logical  (default is 100)

ABSOLUTE specifies that the absolute value of the variable be taken. For rapidly varying quantities, the LOGARITHM (X.LOG) is often more revealing. Since many of the quantities may become negative, PADRE actually uses

to avoid overflow. To get the true logarithm of a quantity, specify ABSOLUTE and LOGARITHM - the absolute is taken first and there is no danger of negative arguments. DECIBELS converts the function to a measure of gain in decibels defined by

INTEGRAL plots the integral of the specified ordinate, and NEGATIVE negates the ordinate values; INVERSE plots the value of the function raised to the (-1) power. D.ORDER0 specifies that the derivative of the function (order=D.ORDER) with respect to the ordinate be plotted. X.COMPONENT and Y.COMPONENT force the x and y components respectively of any vector quantities to be plotted as opposed to the default total magnitude. MIX.MATER specifies that local vector averaging should be done over all materials to which the node belongs as opposed to just the hierarchical choice (see the PRINT line). The SPLINE option indicates that spline-smoothing should be performed on the data using NSPLINE interpolated points (maximum is 500).


The following plots a graph of potential along a straight line from (0.0,0.0) to (5.0,0.0):

  PLOT.1D  POTEN A.X=0 A.Y=0 B.X=5 B.Y=0

In the next example, the log of the electron concentration is plotted from (1.0,-0.5) to (1.0,8.0) with bounds on the plotted electron concentration of 1.0e10 and 1.0e20. A spline interpolation is performed with 300 interpolated points. The non-spline-interpolated points are marked.

  PLOT.1D  ELECT LOG A.X=1 A.Y=-.5 B.X=1 B.Y=8
  +        MIN=10 MAX=20 SPLINE NSPL=300 POINTS

In the following example, the current in contact 1 is plotted as a function of contact 2 voltage, then the curve is compared with a previous run.


The following plots the actual contact voltage on a contact versus the applied voltage.


Finally, the following shows a plot of two capacitance components versus the log of frequency. A different line type is chosen for the second component.