The OPTIONS line


  Options  run control size plot-control color


The OPTIONS line sets options for an entire run.


run control
  NEws              =  logical    (default is false)
  G.debug or Debug  =  logical    (default is false)
  N.debug           =  logical    (default is false)
  NS.debug          =  logical    (default is false)
  CPUStat           =  logical    (default is false)
  CPUFile           =  character  (default is "padre.cpu")
  MAX.cpu           =  real       (default is -1)
  MOde              =  character  (default is "2.3")

NEWS prints news about the current PADRE version. G.DEBUG and N.DEBUG print debugging information to standard output. G.DEBUG prints general information, NS.debug prints debugging information regarding noise problems, and N.DEBUG outputs more specific numerical parameters. CPUSTAT prints a cpu profile of the run to a file called CPUFILE. If MAX.CPU >= 0, a maximum cpu time for the run is given in seconds. MODE defines the program mode (defaults, methods, constants) for compatibility with older versions; currently "2.1" and "2.3" are available.


  SIze.buf  =  real     (default is 3.25e6)
  WEe.size  =  logical  (default is false)
  MEd.size  =  logical  (default is false)
  Big.size  =  logical  (default is false)
  WOw.size  =  logical  (default is false)
  CRush     =  logical  (default is false)
  Lindump   =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.trcnt  =  logical  (default is false)

SIZE.BUF, WEE.SIZE, MED.SIZE, BIG.SIZE and WOW.SIZE define the size of the internal PADRE data buffer. SIZE.BUF is given in 8-byte words; other parameters are pre-defined (WEE=10M, MED=2.45M, BIG=3.25M, WOW=20M). If no parameter is given, the default SIZE.BUF is used; otherwise SIZE.BUF defaults to 0, and the user selection overrides (for >1 options, the largest is used). Nondefault sizes should be supplied before the first non TITLE or COMMENT line. CRUSH uses a compact ascii output format for all mesh and solution files. LINDUMP and NO.TRCNT attempt to save space for machines which have tight memory restrictions. LINDUMP forces PADRE to dump all nonessential arrays to scratch files before all linear solves; NO.TRCNT specifies that no transient or continuation steps will be performed, reducing memory required.


  HP2648      =  logical  (default true)        
  HP2623      =  logical  (default false)       
  Tek4107     =  logical  (default false)       
  4014        =  logical  (default false)       
  Vt240       =  logical  (default false)       
  PIc         =  logical  (default false)       
  Splot       =  logical  (default false)       
  POstscript  =  logical  (default false)       
  X.Screen    =  real     (default 10 inches)   
  Y.Screen    =  real     (default  5 inches)   
  X.Offset    =  real     (default  0 inches)   
  Y.Offset    =  real     (default  0 inches)   

The first 8 parameters are used to change the plotting language. Currently, the Hewlett-Packard HP2648 and HP2623 graphics terminals, the Tektronix 4107 color graphics terminal, the Tektronix 4014, the DEC VT240 and the pic and postscript languages are supported. For 1D plots, the SPLOT format is also available. On color terminals, different line types are implemented as different colors; on the black and white monitors dot and line patterns are used. X.SCREEN is the physical width of the screen and Y.SCREEN is the height. They are set automatically depending on the plot device, but can be altered for special effects (e.g. split screen plots). The offset from the bottom left corner of the screen may be set using X.OFFSET and Y.OFFSET.


  COL.gamma  =  real      (default is 1.5)
  COLOrfile  =  character
  C1.color   =  integer   (default is 6)
  C2.color   =  integer   (default is 7)
  C3.color   =  integer   (default is 8)
  C4.color   =  integer   (default is 9)
  C5.color   =  integer   (default is 10)
  C6.color   =  integer   (default is 11)
  C7.color   =  integer   (default is 12)
  C8.color   =  integer   (default is 13)
  C9.color   =  integer   (default is 14)
  C0.color   =  integer   (default is 15)

COL.GAMMA is the gamma value used to determine the rgb levels for a rainbow level scheme. COLORFILE gives a list of colors to be used in rgb (one set per line). C1.COLOR, C2.COLOR, etc. specify color types for color plotters which need them (e.g. TEK4107).


The following sets up a plot for a Tektronix terminal, using a small centered window. Cpu information is also logged to the default file.

  OPTIONS   TEK4107 X.S=6 Y.S=5 X.Off=1 Y.OFF=0.5  
  +         CPUSTAT