The MOVIE line


  MOvie area-definition plotted-quantity control


The MOVIE line maintains a view2d format file, suitable for making movies, of a selected quantity which is continuously logged for all subsequent bias points.


  X.MIn  =  real
  X.MAx  =  real
  Y.MIn  =  real
  Y.MAx  =  real
  Z.pos  =  real  (default is 0)

The above parameters define the rectangular area of the device to be plotted. The default area is a rectangle around the entire device in the xy-plane closest to the z-coordinate specified by Z.POS (in mm).

plotted-quantity is one of:

  POtential    =  logical   Mid-gap potential
  QFN          =  logical   Electron quasi-fermi level
  QFP          =  logical   Hole quasi-fermi level
  N.temp       =  logical   Electron temperature
  P.temp       =  logical   Hole temperature
  BAND.Val     =  logical   Valence band potential
  BAND.Cond    =  logical   Conduction band potential
  DOping       =  logical   Doping
  ELectrons    =  logical   Electron concentration
  Holes        =  logical   Hole concentration
  NET.CHarge   =  logical   Net charge concentration
  NET.CArrier  =  logical   Net carrier concentration
  J.Conduc     =  logical   Conduction current
  J.Electr     =  logical   Electron current
  V.Electr     =  logical   Electron velocity
  J.Hole       =  logical   Hole current
  V.Hole       =  logical   Hole velocity
  J.Displa     =  logical   Displacement current
  J.Total      =  logical   Total current
  E.field      =  logical   Electric field
  Recomb       =  logical   Net recombination
  FLowlines    =  logical   Current flow lines

The above parameters specify the quantity to be plotted. For vector quantities the magnitude is plotted. Model dependent parameters (current and recombination) are calculated with the models currently defined, not with the models that were defined when the solution was computed. This allows the display of, for instance, Auger and Shockley-Read-Hall components of recombination separately. For consistent values of current, the models used in the solution should be specified. The quantity to be plotted has no default.


  Outfile    =  character
  NX         =  integer   (default is 256)
  NY         =  integer   (default is 256)
  FRequency  =  integer   (default is 1)
  ABsolute   =  logical   (default is false)
  LOgarithm  =  logical   (default is false)
  X.compon   =  logical   (default is false)
  Y.compon   =  logical   (default is false)
  MIx.mater  =  logical   (default is false)
  MIN.value  =  real
  MAx.value  =  real
  No.fill    =  logical   (default is false)

OUTFILE is the name of the movie output file which contains data discretized on an NX-by-NY grid. FREQUENCY gives the frequency at which movie files are made; e.g. with FREQUENCY=2, only every other bias point would be saved. ABSOLUTE specifies that the absolute value of the variable be taken. For rapidly varying quantities, the LOGARITHM is often more revealing. Since many of the quantities may become negative, PADRE actually uses

to avoid overflow. To get the true logarithm of a quantity, specify ABSOLUTE and LOGARITHM - the absolute is taken first and there is no danger of negative arguments. X.COMPON and Y.COMPON take the x and y components of a vector quantity, respectively. MIX.MATER specifies that local vector averaging should be done over all materials to which the node belongs as opposed to just the hierarchical choice (see the PRINT line). MIN.VALUE and MAX.VALUE specify the minimum and maximum values to be plotted. The NO.FILL option will force PADRE to draw the device area plotted to scale; if this option is not specified, the plot will fill the screen, and the triangles will appear distorted.


Start a movie file called VMOVIE that saves the potential distribution in the entire device at every third bias point.