
  MAterial  type bands constants models coeffs


The MATERIAL line associates physical parameters with the materials in the mesh. Many of the parameters are default for standard materials. These are included in a library of include files in the PADRE src directory. The current value of MATERIAL parameters can be examined using the PRINT line or "print" on the MODELS line. Below, the asterisk "*" stands for either "N" or "P" so that separate coefficients for each can be specified for electrons and holes respectively. Parameters marked with a dagger (++) can have separate values in n-type and p-type material.


  NAme         =  character
  DEFault      =  character
  ALloy        =  character
  COmposition  =  real
  NO.charge    =  logical
  N.Type       =  logical
  P.Type       =  logical

NAME is the name of the material to be accessed or defined. DEFAULT is the name of a recognized (library or predefined) material which will be used to default all parameters; alternatively ALLOY is the name of an alloy definition from which the coefficients for this material can be interpolated using the compositional fraction 0 <= COMPOSITION <= 1. For those materials which PADRE recognizes, standard library definitions will be used. NO.CHARGE ignores space charge in this region when solving the Poisson equation which can be useful for conductors.

N.TYPE and P.TYPE permit separate coefficient values for a large number of the available material parameters (marked with ++ below). If any other parameters are set on the same MATERIAL input line, they are valid for both n-type and p.type material (a warning is given). When separate values are selected, these are appropriately marked in material coefficient printouts by the addition of an "N" or "P" character to the associated material index. By default, both N.TYPE and P.TYPE are turned on. If the user puts one explicityly on the input line, the other then defaults to false.


  EG300     =  real      Energy gap at 300K (eV)
  EGAlpha   =  real      Alpha
  EGBeta    =  real      Beta
  AFfinity  =  real      Electron affinity (eV)
  DECDEV    =  real      DELTA Ec / DELTA Ev
  DECDEG    =  real      DELTA Ec / DELTA Eg    =  real      DELTA Ec (eV)
  Refoff    =  character
  Offtemp   =  real      (default is 300K)

The above parameters specify the energy band configurations. Default band offsets are computed using electron affinities. These can be overridden using one of DECDEV, EC.OFF or DECDEG which are referenced to the material named REFOFF; the offset is given at the temperature OFFTEMP and converted to the ambient temperature used in the simulation. The resulting band offsets are printed with all other material parameters.


  PErmittivity  =  real   Dielectric permittivity (F/cm)
  Qf            =  real   Fixed bulk charge density (/cm**3)
  NC300         =  real   Conduction band density at 300K (/cm**3)
  NV300         =  real   Valence band density at 300K (/cm**3)
  GCb           =  real   Conduction-band degeneracy factor
  GVb           =  real   Valence-band degeneracy factor
  EDb           =  real   Donor energy level (eV)
  EAb           =  real   Acceptor energy level (eV)
  W2dgas        =  real   Width of 2D gas (mm)
  ARICHN        =  real   Richardson constant for electrons
  ARICHP        =  real   Richardson constant for holes
  VSAT*         =  real   Saturation velocity - 300K (cm/s)
  TAUW*         =  real   Intrinsic low field energy relaxation times (s)
  MU*       ++  =  real   Intrinsic mobility - 300K (cm**2/s)
  TAU*0     ++  =  vector Intrinsic minority carrier lifetimes (s)
  TAUR0     ++  =  real   Intrinsic radiative lifetime (s)
  AUG*      ++  =  real   Auger coefficient (Cn) (cm**6/s)
  C.helm        =  real   Helmholtz coefficient (default is 0.0)

These are basic material constants as defined above. W2DGAS is used only in conjunction with 2dgas statistics (see the MODEL line). The energy relaxation times are only used if no relaxation model (W*.MODEL below) is given; carrier effective masses are currently unused. C.HELM is the coefficient in front of a term, linear in potential, added to the Poisson equation for this region; it is useful in performing contact resiatance studies (see Loh, EDL, 1985).


  I*.Model    =  character   Ionized impurity scattering (CONMOB)
  E*.Model    =  character   Velocity saturation model (FLDMOB)
  G*.Model    =  character   Gate-field mobility model (GATMOB)
  C*.Model    =  character   Carrier-carrier scattering model (CCMOB)
  D*.Model    =  character   Diffusivity-field model (FLDDIF)
  W*.Model    =  character   Energy relaxation model (FLDMOB)
  S*.Model    =  character   Energy flux coefficient model
  BGN*.model  =  character   Band-gap narrowing model

These are material-dependent model types; the first six correspond to mobility models defined on the MODELS line. W*.MODEL and S*.MODEL are only relevant if carrier temperatures are solved for. Possible choices are:

  I*.Model    =  table, analytic, klaasen
  E*.Model    =  caughey, barnes, limit, scharfetter, alley, hansch
  G*.Model    =  pinto, yamaguchi, sun, caughey, schwarz, sgs, lentz, mujtaba
  C*.Model    =  dorkel, klaasen
  D*.Model    =  mccoll
  W*.Model    =  none, baccarani, lincut, hypcut, npar, general
  S*.Model    =  constant, mc
  BGN*.Model  =  slotboom, cak-sige

Descriptions of these models are available in another document. Coefficients for each model can be adjusted below.


  *.Bgn   ++ =  vector      BGN coefficients
  L*.Mu   ++ =  vector      Lattice mobility coeffs
  II*.Mu  ++ =  vector      Ionized impurity scattering coeffs
  NIN*.Mu ++ =  vector      Neutral impurity scattering coeffs
  CC*.Mu     =  vector      Carrier-carrier scattering coeffs
  E*.Mu      =  vector      Nonlinear drift velocity (vs. field) coeffs
  G*.Mu      =  vector      Gate-field scattering coeffs
  D*.Mu      =  vector      Diffusivity vs. field coeffs
  W*.Mu      =  vector      Carrier temperature mobility coeffs
  W*.Kappa   =  vector      Thermal conductivity proportionality coeffs
  NTAU*   ++ =  real        min-carr. lifetime conc. param (/cm**3)
  B0dir   ++ =  real        Radiative-lifetime coeff (cm**3/s)
  NTAUR   ++ =  real        Radiative-lifetime conc. param (/cm**3)
  GEn.con ++ =  real        Generation constant (eh pairs/cm**3/rad)
  TRap.type  =  character   trap types
  ETrap      =  vector      trap energy levels = Et - Ei (eV)
  NTRap      =  vector      trap densities (/cm**3)
  E*.Ion     =  vector      Impact-ionization field threshs (V/cm)
  A*.Ion     =  vector      Impact-ionization rate (/cm)
  B*.Ion     =  vector      Impact-ionization assym field (V/cm)
  W*.Etpar   =  vector      New energy transport model coefficients
  C.tunnel   =  vector      Band-to-band tunneling coefficients
  Laser   ++ =  vector      Stimulated-emission coeffs

These are coefficients for various models, e.g. band-gap narrowing, mobility, lifetime, impact ionization and energy relaxation. The scalar parameters are relatively self-explanatory; see the technical reference manual for more details.

The vector parameters for traps allow for multiple trap levels with different minority lifetimes and densities (the densities are only required for deep-level traps). The type of the traps (standard SRH or deep-level acceptor/donor) is determined by the string TRAP.TYPE, where each character refers to its corresponding element in the vector parameters; possible types are "n" (donor), "p" (acceptor) and "0" (SRH) with a default of "0" for all unspecified. The vector parameters for impact ionization permit multiple field regimes.

The remaining vector quantities define models which require several parameters. See primary documentation for detailed descriptions of model forms and coefficient definitions.

Types of Diffusion Noise Models

  ns.model    =  character 

ns.model specifies the types of diffusion model is desired. ns.model=diffmu specifies that differential mobility model is used to compute microscopic noise sources, ns.model=incmu specifies that incremental mobility model is used [default], ns.model=userdiff requires that the user supply the field-dependent diffusivity model, and ns.mode=userbeta requires that the user supply the field dependent beta (ratio of diffusivity and mobility) model. These user defined files are to be included in userdiff.f.


Specify two trap levels in all silicon regions, one at midgap and the second 0.2eV above, with lifetimes of 1ms and 500ns respectively; the first trap involves standard SRH recombination whereas the second is a deep-level donor trap with a density of 1.0e15/cm**3. Also set the hole ionization coeffs to those suggested by van Overstraeten.

  MATERIAL  NAME=silicon TAUN0=1e-6,5e-7 TAUP0=1e-6,5e-7 ETRAP=0,0.2
  +         N.TRAP=0,1e15 TRAP.TYP=0n
  +         EP.ION=1.75e5,4e5 AP.ION=1.58eE6,6.71E5
  +         BP.ION=2.036E6,1.693E6

Define a material called "likesi" to be silicon with some changes to the gate-field mobility and analytic ionized impurity scattering models for electrons. Also, include the differential mobility model for noise calculations.

  MATERIAL  NAME=likesi DEF=silicon
  +         GN.MOD=sgs    GN.MU=4.75e7,1.74e5,0.125,5.84e14
  +         IN.MOD=analyt IIN.MU=55.24,1.072e17,0.733,-3.8
  +         NS.MODEL=diffmu

Define a material called "sige.3" using a previously defined alloy called "sige"; the compositional fraction is 0.3, hence the material is interpolated as Si(0.7)Ge(0.3) (see the ALLOY line documentation). Override the default (interpolated) energy gap, band offset and bulk mobilities and lifetimes.

  ALLOY     NAME=sige X1ALLOY=0 M1ALLOY=silicon
  +                   X2ALLOY=1 M2ALLOY=germanium
  MATERIAL  NAME=sige.3 DEF=sige COMP=0.3
  +         EG300=0.830 DECDEV=0.087 REFOFF=silicon
  +         MUN0=242 MUP0=186 TAUN0=50e-6 TAUP0=50e-6

Set separate SRH lifetimes for n-type and p-type material called "polysi". Because the EG300 parameter cannnot have separate n.type and p.type values, it is defined as 1.05eV for both types, eventhough the value is given on a line with an "n.type" modifier.

  MATERIAL  NAME=polysi EG300=1.05 TAUN0=6e-6 TAUP0=3e-6 N.TYPE
  MATERIAL  NAME=polysi TAUN0=4e-6 TAUP0=2e-6 P.TYPE