
  LUmp.element  connection quantity


The LUMP.ELEMENT line adds a lumped element to the external circuit configuration. New circuit unknown voltages are added to the system as required. Up to 100 elements and 100 nodes can be added.


  NODE1  =  character
  NODE2  =  character
  NAme   =  character

NODE* are labels to identify the desired nodes within the circuit to which the element terminals are attached. If a name is given which is not recognized, PADRE creates a new node automatically in the circuit network. NAME is an optional string which can be used to identify the element itself for later reference (e.g. in current plots and printouts); NAME defaults to "Unknown_" followed by the associated lumped element index (by input line order).

For both NODE* and NAME, strings beginning with a digit are reserved for the contacts to the actual device (the PDE simulation domain); names beginning with an "A" are reserved for the terminals where sources are applied (e.g., "A1" refers to external contact number 1). Only uppercase "A" is allowed for these specifications.


  REsistance   =  real     (default is infinity)
  Capacitance  =  real     (default is 0)
  Inductance   =  real     (default is 0)
  R.Table      =  character                         
  R.Scale      =  real     (default is 1)

RESISTANCE specifies a lumped resistance value (ohms), CAPACITANCE a lumped capacitance value (F) and INDUCTANCE a lumped inductance value (H) for the lumped element. R.TABLE corresponds to a table of voltages and resistances so that two-terminal lumped elements with non-linear IV characteristics can be added. R.SCALE is a scale factor that the resistances in the table are multiplied by to account for differences in device width. Only one table can be used in a simulation, although it can be reused on separate LUMP.ELEMENT lines an arbitrary number of times, possibly with different R.SCALE.


The following line makes a parallel RC connection between terminal 1 and its associated internal device contact, followed by a series RC connection between the device contact and terminal 2. The series connection creates a new circuit node called "xx" whose voltage can be accessed in prints and plots. The currents at the element terminals can be accessed later by using the labels "Unknown_1", "Rshunt" and "Unknown_3".

  LUMP.EL  NODE1=A1 NODE2=1 RESIS=1000 CAP=10e-15
  LUMP.EL  NODE1=1 NODE2=xx RESIS=2000 NAME=Rshunt
  LUMP.EL  NODE1=xx NODE2=A2 CAP=20e-15