The LOG line


  LOG file specification control


The LOG line allows the I-V and/or AC characteristics of a run to be logged to disk. Any I-V or AC data subsequent to the line is saved. If a log file is already open, it is closed and a new file opened.


file specification
  OUtfile or Ivfile  =  filename
  Acfile             =  filename

OUTFILE or IVFILE specify the log file for I-V information. ACFILE specifies the file for AC data. control

  Last         =  logical  (default is false)
  NO.trap      =  logical  (default is false)
  OFf or NONe  =  logical  (default is false)

LAST specifies that only the last bias point be logged for IV files. NO.TRAP prevents logging bias points which were obtained on intermediate bias steps caused by slow convergence (see the METHOD line). OFF (or NONE) turns off IV and AC logging on solves below this line.


Save the I-V data in a file called IV1 and AC data in AC1.