The LOAD line


  LOAd  solution files misc


The LOAD line loads previous solutions from files for plotting or as initial guesses to other bias points.


solution files
  INFile (or IN1file)  =  filename
  IN2file              =  filename

The INFILE (or IN1FILE) and IN2FILE parameters specify input files names for solution data and may be up to 20 characters in length. INFILE (or IN1FILE) and IN2FILE represent a present and previous solution respectively. If only one solution is to be loaded (for plotting or as a single initial guess using the PREVIOUS option on the SOLVE line) then INFILE should be used. If two input files are needed to perform an extrapolation for an initial guess (i.e., the PROJECT option on the SOLVE line), IN1FILE and IN2FILE should be used. The solution in IN2FILE is the first to be lost when new solutions are obtained.


  Ascii     =  logical  (default is true)
  No.check  =  logical  (default is false)
  DELtav    =  real     (default is 0)
  Outdiff   =  filename
  Differ    =  logical  (default is false)

ASCII specifies that any files read or written by the LOAD line should be ascii. NO.CHECK prevents PADRE from checking material parameter differences between the loaded files and the values set in the current PADRE input file. DELTAV specifies a fixed shift (in volts) for all loaded potentials in the device. The difference between two solutions (IN1FILE-IN2FILE) can be analyzed by reading in both with the mode DIFFER set. The difference is stored; this solution may not be used as an initial guess, or for any purpose other than plotting or extracting data. The difference solution may also be stored in another file using the parameter OUTDIFF.


The following specifies that a single solution file called SOL.IN should be loaded.


In the next example, two solutions are loaded. The present solution is to SOL1.IN and the previous solution is SOL2.IN. We intend to use SOL1.IN and SOL2.IN to project an initial guess for a third bias point.


Finally, two solutions are loaded, and the difference calculated and stored in a third file.