The EXTRACT line


  EXtract variable bounds file-i/o


The EXTRACT line extracts selected electrical data from the solution.


  NET.CHar       =  logical  Integrated net charge
  NET.CArr       =  logical  Integrated carrier concentration
  RECombination  =  logical  Integrated total recombination
  Laser          =  logical  Integrated stimulated emission
  Electron       =  logical  Integrated electron concentration
  Hole           =  logical  Integrated hole concentration       =  logical  Integrated charge on a contact
  N.Resist       =  logical  n-Resistance of a cross section
  P.Resist       =  logical  p-Resistance of a cross section
  N.Current      =  logical  n-current through an electrode
  P.Current      =  logical  p-current through an electrode
  Average        =  logical  (default is false)

The net carrier, charge, electron or hole concentrations can be integrated over a section of a device. The charge on a part of an electrode can be calculated, as can the current through that part. This is useful for capacitance studies, in conjunction with the difference mode of the LOAD line. The resistance of a cross sectional structure, for instance a diffused line, can be calculated. For NET.CHAR, NET.CARR, RECOMBINATION and LASER, AVERAGE returns an average value, obtained by dividing the total by the integrated volume.


  X.MIn    =  real
  X.MAx    =  real
  Y.MIn    =  real
  Y.MAx    =  real
  Z.MIn    =  real
  Z.MAx    =  real
  Contact  =  integer
  REGions  =  integer
  N.Type   =  logical  (default is true)
  P.Type   =  logical  (default is true)

Only nodes falling within X.MIN-X.MAX, Y.MIN-Y.MAX, Z.MIN-Z.MAX are included in the integrations. The default bounds include the entire device. For electrode quantities (current and metal charge) a CONTACT must be chosen; only nodes falling within the bounds and belonging to the contact are included in the integration. REGIONS can be optionally specified, forcing integration only on nodes within the specified bounds that are also part of a particular set of regions. N.TYPE and P.TYPE specify that the extraction be done over n-type and/or p-type material.


  Outfile  =  filename

An optional ascii OUTPUT file can be specified to which the result and bias infor will be written.


The following extracts the resistance of a p-type line diffused into a lightly doped n substrate. Since the p-conductivity of the substrate is negligible, the bounds of the integration can include the whole device.


In the next example, the charge on the lower surface of a gate electrode is integrated. There is 0.05 mm of gate oxide on the surface, which is at y=0.

  +        Y.MAX=-0.0499 Y.MIN=-0.0501