The CONTOUR line


  CONTOur plotted quantity range definition control


The CONTOUR line plots contours on a plotted two-dimensional area of the device, as specified by the most recent PLOT.2D line.


plotted quantity is one of:

  POtential    =  logical  Mid-gap potential
  QFN          =  logical  Electron quasi-fermi level
  QFP          =  logical  Hole quasi-fermi level
  N.temp       =  logical  Electron temperature
  P.temp       =  logical  Hole temperature
  BAND.Val     =  logical  Valence band potential
  BAND.Cond    =  logical  Conduction band potential
  DOping       =  logical  Total net impurity concentration
  IOn.imp      =  logical  Net ionized impurity concentration
  ELectrons    =  logical  Electron concentration
  Holes        =  logical  Hole concentration
  NET.CHarge   =  logical  Net charge concentration
  NET.CArrier  =  logical  Net carrier concentration
  J.Conduc     =  logical  Conduction current
  J.Electr     =  logical  Electron current
  V.Electr     =  logical  Electron velocity
  J.Hole       =  logical  Hole current
  V.Hole       =  logical  Hole velocity
  J.Displa     =  logical  Displacement current
  J.Total      =  logical  Total current
  E.field      =  logical  Electric field
  Recomb       =  logical  Net recombination
  Flowlines    =  logical  Current flow lines

The above parameters specify the quantity to be plotted. For vector quantities the magnitude is plotted. Model dependent parameters (current and recombination) are calculated with the models currently defined, not with the models that were defined when the solution was computed. This allows the display of, for instance, Auger and Shockley-Read-Hall components of recombination separately. For consistent values of current, the models used in the solution should be specified. The quantity to be plotted has no default.

range definition

  MIN.value  =  real
  MAx.value  =  real
  DEl.value  =  real
  NContours  =  integer
  CONstrain  =  logical  (default is true)

MIN.VALUE and MAX.VALUE specify the minimum and maximum contours to be plotted. MIN.VALUE and MAX.VALUE default to the minimum and maximum values of the quantity to be plotted over the device (these are printed during execution). DEL.VALUE specifies the interval between contours. Alternatively, NCONTOURS specifies the number of contours to be plotted. If the plot is logarithmic, the minimum and maximum should be given as the logarithmic bounds. CONSTRAIN constrains the contours to lie between min/max values; if CONSTRAIN is turned off, the min and max contours extend out to +/-infinity.


  LIne.type  =  integer  (default is 1)
  ABsolute   =  logical  (default is false)
  LOgarithm  =  logical  (default is false)
  X.compon   =  logical  (default is false)
  Y.compon   =  logical  (default is false)
  MIX.mater  =  logical  (default is false)
  PAuse      =  logical  (default is false)
  COLor      =  logical  (default is false)
  Grey       =  logical  (default is false)

LINE.TYPE defines the plot line type. ABSOLUTE specifies that the absolute value of the variable be taken. For rapidly varying quantities, the LOGARITHM is often more revealing. Since many of the quantities may become negative, PADRE actually uses

to avoid overflow. To get the true logarithm of a quantity, specify ABSOLUTE and LOGARITHM - the absolute is taken first and there is no danger of negative arguments. X.COMPON and Y.COMPON take the x and y components of a vector quantity, respectively. MIX.MATER specifies that local vector averaging should be done over all materials to which the node belongs as opposed to just the hierarchical choice (see the PRINT line). The PAUSE option causes PADRE to stop at the end of the plot during an interactive run so that a hardcopy may be made before continuing. Execution can be resumed by hitting a carriage return. COLOR specifies that color fill (GREY is a grey scale fill), as opposed to simple lines, should be used to delineate contours; the contour colors are chosen by default, but the user can override this scheme using appropriate parameters on the OPTION line.


The following plots the contours of potential from -1 volts to 3 volts in steps of .25 volts:


In the next example, the log of the doping concentration is plotted from 1.0e10/cm**3 to 1.0e20/cm**3 in multiples of 10. By specifying ABSOLUTE, both the n-type and p-type contours are shown.


In the following, current flow lines are plotted. The number of flow lines is 11 so that 10% of the current flows between adjacent lines.