The ALLOY line


  ALloy  definition


The ALLOY line defines a means of interpolating defaults of alloy semiconductors from predefined (library or by the user) material types. The alloy thus constructed can be used by subsequent MATERIAL lines to create new material systems.



  NAme     =  character       
  M1alloy  =  character       
  X1alloy  =  real            
  M2alloy  =  character       
  X2alloy  =  real            
  M3alloy  =  character       
  X3alloy  =  real            
  M4alloy  =  character       
  X4alloy  =  real            

NAME is the name of the alloy to be constructed. Up to four predefined materials can be used to make the alloy. M*ALLOY are the names of the materials, and X*ALLOY are the associated compositional fractions.


Define an alloy called "sige" from known materials Si and Ge; the compositional fraction x is the amount of Ge in the alloy (defined on the MATERIAL line).

ALLOY  NAME=sige X1ALLOY=0 M1ALLOY=silicon
+                X2ALLOY=1 M2ALLOY=germanium